Chapter 2

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The bell finally went off for lunch. In my drama class I had met two really funny quirky girls called Kiera and Desiree. Kiera has pale skin which contrasts with her midnight black long silky hair. She is wearing a very pretty dress with bright makeup on her light green eyes. You would look at her and think "Girly Girl" Desiree is more edgy. She has a caramel complexion as she is half Jamaican and half American. She has tight curls which she dyed purple and a bandana. She is wearing a black jumper with cutouts on the arm and disco pants. She has dark eyes which she lines with thick eyeliner. They are both lovely and very pretty.
"Aw yes Lunch I'm starving," Desiree exclaims. "Me too, you can sit with us Riley," Kiera says smiling. Well looks like I found some friends.

"And over there are the jerks and bitches" Desiree says pointing over to a table with Sophia and Amber. Then my stomach flops. Damien is there. On the table of 'Jerks and bitches' He did seem like that type but surely he is different? "What about Damien?" I ask. Both Desiree and Kiera look at each other and It was weird. I could swear I saw a worried look plastered over both their faces as if they both knew something I didn't but within seconds they then burst out laughing. "He is the biggest jerk of them all" For some reason I didn't like then saying that. In fact I hated it and it made my blood BOIL. I had a strong urge to defend him. My facial expression must have displayed what I was thinking because Desiree looked worried. "Listen, he is bad news. He hooks up with girls, has sex with them, then drops them," She says. Wow. Maybe he is a jerk. "He is a big dick, " Kiera chips in.
"Okay I'm only telling you this because I care. He did it to me," She says looking slightly heartbroken. The thought of anyone hurting Desiree made me angry. They both exchange looks and I think I saw Kiera mouth something.

"We need to go ask Miss Robinson a question about history, be back in 5," Kiera says then they both wonder off. I start twirling my food around with my fork. Alone on my first day. Bloody great.
"Hello Riley," a deep voice echos behind me and I know who it is. His presence alone makes me want him. "Hello," I say quietly into my food. Trying to not sound nervous. "your accent gets me every time," He says, taking a seat next to me. He is a jerk. I remind myself. He is a jerk. Somehow I still get the urge to bloody jump on him and start fucking him right now. He pulls up a chair next to me. "Riley.. Rileyyy" He says teasing me, trying to get me to talk. "What?" I see trying to sound stern but my voice starts wobbling. "I got you something" He booms. He reaches in his pocket and pulls out my phone. "My phone," I say confused and take it of him. Damien chuckles "Don't say thanks then," He says sarcasticaly. "Thanks... really I didn't even know it was gone" I said honestly. Damien nods and starts pulling his fingers down my hair. I let out a moan. A bloody moan!!! I blush bright red. Damien then lets out a massive chuckle and whispers "You'll get yourself in trouble making sounds like that," What sort of trouble does he mean? I'm so bad with boys. The furthest I've gone is make out and that was when I was 15! Almost 2 years ago... In a fluster I reach for my diet coke but me being me I drop it all over Damien and not just on Damien but over his crouch area. He makes a loud grunting noise. I grab some paper towels. "I've got it," without thinking I start rubbing his crouch area with the paper towels. It wasn't untill I felt a slight hard on I realised what I was doing. "You aren't as innocent as I thought," Damien purrs placing a hand on my thigh. "I have to go..." I tell him trying to get up. "I like you right here," He mumbles in my ear. I try to break free but Damien is so strong I didn't even move an inch. What would Desiree and Kiera think if they saw me. "You smell incredible" He says smelling my neck. "Damien let me down we are in the middle of the cafeteria" I complain. "IS that Vanilla?" He moans and starts breathing on my neck. "Calm down Vanilla," He chuckles stroking my hair. Most of me really wants this. Hell most of me wants to pin him against the wall but a bit of me knows I can't. "Damien I'm serious" I say. He finally loosens his grip. He then stands up and towers over me "But it's not the last of me Vanilla" He says stroking my face. With that he goes back to his little jerk table. I let out a deep breath that I didn't even know I was holding.

Lost again. I am so useless at finding my way around. I'm trying to find my science class, I've walked down this corridor twice already and I swear I haven't found room 9... oh wait it's right here. I slowly open the door and 30 heads look up at me. However there is one I am drawn to. Damiens. "Ah you must be Riley," The teacher said. He was a middle aged man.

"Yes that's me," I say smilling. He scratches the back of his head. "There is a spare seat there," He says. Pointing to a chair. I glance over to the chair. Guess what? Yeah you probably guessed. Damien is sitting next to it. He grins at me and gives me a wink. My knees. My poor knees. I walk over to the seat, trying to keep my balance. My stomach flops again, just being near him. I take my seat. "Hello gorgeous," He whispers in my ear and me being me, I blush bright red. I feel someone jab me in the back so I turn around to see Desiree behind me. "Hiya!" She waves. Oh I didn't know I was in the same Science class as her. Well at least that's something. "Hey Desiree," I say smilling back to her.

"Okay, so you next assignment you will work in pairs, the topic will be dinosaurs and on the board are the things you have to include in the project, the whole project will be due in 3 weeks time, you will have lesson time to complete it however I highly suggest you work on it at home as well where you have access to a computer and can do research and type it up and what have you," The teacher, Mr Jones announces. A girl with Bright red wavy hair raises her hand. "Sir, are we working in a group?" She asks.

"You will work with the person next to you," He says. Oh god. I look next to me to see the ever so handsome Damien chuckle. "don't look so frightened baby, I don't bite," He says. I then feel a blush coming on. Really Riley?

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