Brandon the Vamp.

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Brandon's P.O.V.

We were lost. It was around dusk and we had been wondering our way around Seattle trying to find Candi's house. We had been walking in scilence for a few moments. It gav eme a good chance to go ove rmy thoughts which were:


-Candi's Name

-How good of a kisser Candi is

-Candi's AMAZING hair

-Candi's adorable body AND personality

-...Candi...My Secret...

She interrupted my delightful thoughts by saying "Oh meh God!? We are here!".Snapping back to the real world I replied back with "Awwwwh!". She asked "Why are you disappointed?". I felt strain in her voice- she didn't want to say good-bye. "Ohh......I don't know" I tried to say in a funny way. "Love you Brandon!" she whispered into my ear standing on her tip-toes. She walked gracefully down the path that led to her ENOURMOUS house. It kind of was identical to mine in a weird way. Feeling my heart pounding faster than normal I felt my hand fly up to my chest. Never in my whole immortal life, had I loved someone so much. I had been everywhere; and yet this girl that I met 6 hours ago is my best friend- and who I believe is my true love. But we are from two entirely different worlds. Vampire and mortal. Never could I do what a normal person could do with her. It was impossible. Turning away from her place I began to walk down the road. But the more I thought of her the faster I sped up. Soon enough I was back at my small apartment. But I felt like with her on my mind; I could run for miles.


I lay awake at night- tossing and turning. I couldn't keep myself from thinking about her. Now that I have gone over every second in my head that I spent with her, I think I have noticed something different about her. While I ran down the stairs, she rode down the stair rail. I just went down the stairs to TRY to seem normal. She just seems too perfect. There is something about her I haven't uncovered yet. Well at least I'm tired now.......falling asleep......


I flung myself out of bed. Throwing my pair of skinny jeans on I ran through my apartment door and out onto the streets. Making my way back to Candi's place I remembered that I had ran outside without a shirt. Too late now I guess. Appearing in front of her house quickly I looked for a way to get into her room. She had pointed out her room earlier to me for no apparent reason. Bounding across the yard I darted up the side of a tree throwing myself onto the her exact window sill. I hung there for a minute regaining my balance then swung myself up onto the ledge. Forcing open the window I crawled inside. I glanced over to see her tiny body snuggled into a gigantic bed. I smiled and hopped off of the wall. She was wearing a white tank top and black pj bottoms with white polka dots. I was careful not to make too much noise walking to her bedside. And I have got to say, the scariest thing on her bedside table has to be her loaded pistol. Slightly shivering at what MIGHT happen I continued to creep towards her. Suddenly a floor board squeaked underneath me and she flung herself up in bed- eyes wide open. I slapped my hand against her mouth before she could scream and awaken everyone else. Her eyes wandered until she saw my face. Then her face relaxed and she carefully pulled my hand off of her mouth. "Come with me." I whispered into her ear. She got up out of bed and I told her to climb onto my back with a confused expression. I jumped out the window and lightly on the grass in front of her house. "What the hell was that about?" she asked intently while fixing her hair. "I....had a dream....about you." I stuttered afraid to look into her eyes. "Your a..............vampire" I said trying to keep my voice from squeaking. Suddenly she laughed the cutest laugh I ad ever heard and said "Of course not silly!". Suddenly her face turned serious and she said "But I know all about them". I scoffed and said "You have to be one! For crying out loud you HAVE to be one! Vampires dreams are-" I cut myself off realizing what I had just said. Slapping my hand against my face and shaking my head I said "You got that- didn't you". She nodded up and down understandingly and hugged me. "It's alright. I love vampires anyway. Always wanted to be one myself." she said pulling away and smiling. "Trust me you don't." I said shrugging. "Well why not? They seem so tempting to be around. Not to mention seductive." she added with a sly grin. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer saying "It's been my life's dream to be one". She rested her head on my shoulder and stretched her neck out for me. I felt like kicking myself and saying "Sorry." but of course I didn't. She slightly leaned up and kissed my jaw line making me want to just go ahead and bite her even more. Leaning my head down ever so slightly my lips just grazed her neck. At this point there was at least a million thoughts running through my mind. The first one being "Once you create a vampire, you must become it's mate or be it's master". "I know the law" she murmured into my shoulder. "Become a mate or master" she said reciting it. I smiled and considered my options. Mate...........or Master. Good deal for me. Baring my fangs I smiled ever so slightly. She pulled away and reached up to force her mouth against mine. Pulling her head aside I sunk my fangs into her warm blood stream and enjoyed the moment with my new mate.

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