Chapter 1

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[A/N: This is my first time making a story like srsly DX im nervous ]

*Miyu’s POV*

I was standing in front of the academy, as my eyes look around, Things didn’t change, the academy was still like before. I graduated in this academy centuries ago.

The secrets, the lie, the fight I still remember all of them, I wasn’t really sure why Am I in here it looks like my body has its own mind, I sigh as I walk around in the forest. Why am I here in the first place the weather is not very good this day, I walk and walk as I look at the cloudy sky.

It’ll rain soon” I sigh

I had to walk again to reach our old house, as I stop near the big tree. I sense someone coming, my eyes went wide when I saw Melinda, she was leaning on the tree across me, she was looking at me in shock this was not the Melinda I knew before, she was a strong woman but why do I feel her pain at this moment.

Its been a while Miyu” she said

I look at her, but I feel strange I cant look directly in her eyes, she was an enemy before.

yeah its been a long while Mel, it was like centuries ago but I still haven’t ——

oh come on Miyu, you still haven’t change” she sigh

I didn’t reply she was right I haven’t change, I was going to walk again when suddenly she collapse, I move fast to hold her , and I saw some bruise in his arms. I stay calm and brought her in the house , as I lay her gently in the couch. As I look at her in silence

//why did I help you? And when did you get that bruises Mel?// I sigh

When I was about to heal her, a man suddenly goes inside. I look at him he was tall, maybe he’s a six footer like a basketball player, his hair was plain blonde, wearing a black coat and has black cold eyes, I stared at him.

What happen to Mel?” he ask and goes near her

who are you?” I ask and stand, I didn’t bother to answer his question.

I’m her brother,  Kris. Thank you for looking out for my sister, and you are?” he ask back

I-I’m Miyu” I answer as I saw his reaction

just let Melinda stay, she’s not fine

no need, I can manage it” he goes out and disappear

I sigh, he was shock when I introduce my name.

I look around and sigh messy house when will my brother bring our servants in here I pout , and start cleaning all day.

I wipe the tables as I sneeze “geez, too much dust” I murmured

I take a bath and decide to sleep.

[A/N: when you saw this "//" simbol, it means the character was speaking in her thoughts]

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