Mothers Day

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The day that comes only once a year

The short time when Mothers don't yell in your ear

These women are strong,stronger than most

When they stomp down streets, muggers turn paler than a ghost

Mothers are fierce,loyal, and true

Lie once and they'll be after you

Mothers are beautiful inside and out

They hold within them a huge heart

Mothers are lie-detectors, a steam train, and a sugar-plum fairy, all in one

In all truth, they are more frightening than a machine gun

But they know all the right moments to say "well done"

They know when to be serious , and when to have fun

Mothers are warriors,friends, and secret-keepers

We can't help but to love them to Pluto and back

Mothers scare away the jeepers and creepers

Mothers are the ones who run around snapping pictures with a Kodak

They sing along with every disney soundtrack

They hug you and wipe away all your tears

 They put you in your place everytime you give smack

They'll stick with you through the years

Mothers are special

When they get riled, they scare even the devil

Mothers are WOMEN

Wonderfully Optimistic Mothers Enduring Never-ending crap from themselves and others.

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