Chapter Two

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Just then, I heard a quiet beep. I looked over and it was coming from a cell phone that I assumed was mine.

I picked it up, unlocked it with my fingerprint, thank goodness, and looked at the 4 billion notifications I had from twitter.

@MelMel17: Melanie we hope you feel better!! Come back to us soon!

@TotallyMelaniesFan: Mel we love you please get better!!!! <3
#SaveMelanie #MelanieGetBetter

@magconfreak: Melanie we're all rooting for you!!!!
#MelanieGetBetter #SaveMelanie

The #MelanieGetBetter was trending worldwide. It freaked me out, how did all of these people know who I was?

"Hey, Jack?" I called out. I heard footsteps and then Jack Johnson was in the doorway.

"What's up, Melanie?" He asked with a smile.

I showed him the screen with all the notifications on it. "How do all of these people know who I am?"

His eyes widened and he suddenly looked unsure and very, very worried. "Uh, well, Mel... It's gonna take more than just me to explain this."

He was fiddling with his fingers and looking at me. I was impatient. "Well? Get them, then. I want to know what's going on."

He just nodded and took a deep breath. "Mel, while I'm gone, get on the computer. Go to YouTube and look up Melanie Tanner. Watch the videos. You should probably know about everything you've done."

He left after that. I all but ran to my laptop. What did he mean 'everything I've done'? Was it good or bad? And why did everyone else need to be here? I looked up my name, Melanie Tanner, and the first thing that came up was a video with my face on it, titled "I Cured Cancer?" The next video was of me and Nash, the blue-eyed one. It was titled "The Boyfriend Tag". I clicked on the first video and watched. It was odd watching myself and not remembering doing any of it. Turns out, I didn't actually cure cancer. I'd seen a kid that was a fan of me and Magcon, whatever that was, and talked to her. She was diagnosed with cancer, and a few days after I talked to her, she tweeted me and told me how she'd miraculously gotten well. The video was me telling the story and getting emotional. It ended and I blinked a few times. I took a deep breath and clicked on the video of me and Nash.

I spoke first. "Hey guys! It's me, Melanie, and I'm here with this guy, once again."

"Sup guys, I'm Nash, but you should know that because I'm always on her channel." Nash looked at me in the video then and smiled. I smiled back at him and turned back to the camera.

"Alright, so I know this is a constant trend on YouTube, but Nash and I decided to do the boyfriend/girlfriend tags because we haven't yet and I really wanted to." I giggled a little and wrapped my arms around his body playfully. "And he can't say no to me because he loooooovvveeesss me."

Nash was still smiling at the camera, then he pulled me into his lap and spoke. "So here we go."

I started asking Nash questions about our relationship and from what I could tell he got all but a couple of them right. Apparently the day Nash asked me to be his girlfriend was two years ago as of three months ago. Then, I saw something.

Nash and I were on our way to New York city. It was our two-year anniversary and he knew I'd always wanted to go. I was wearing a short peach-colored sundress and Nash had on a dark blue button up shirt and some dark blue jeans. He was driving and I had shot gun, our fingers were intertwined in the middle.

"So what do you want to do first when we get there? I really want to go see Central Park and Madison Square Garden and I really want to have breakfast at Tiffany's like in all of those romantic movies." I was so excited, and the more I spoke the more Nash smiled.

"We can do anything you want, Em." He called me Em because the day we met he said my eyes were as green as Emeralds, and called me Emerald Eyes before shortening it to Em.

I smiled and brought our hands up to my face, closing my eyes and giving a gentle kiss to the back of his hand. He looked over at me with a serious look on his face, his usually cool blue eyes burning with intensity. "I love you." He said to me, never looking away.

Instantly, I opened my mouth to reply. "I-" I never finished. There was the highest screeching sound, the smell of burning rubber and an immense pain in my head and stomach. The car had finally stopped moving, and I opened my eyes. The windshield was gone, but the necklace that had been hanging from the rear view mirror of his car for as long as I could remember was still there and still swinging. I tried to turn my head to face my boyfriend and I saw his face, the cut above his eyebrows was bleeding profusely. He was unconcious. "I... Love you... Too." I choked out, and then my neck relaxed and everything went black.
I snapped out of the memory. "A car accident." I whispered to myself. "It was a car accident. On my anniversary."

"The doctor said you wouldn't make it," A voice said behind me. I whipped around to see Nash, his tall figure leaning up against the doorway, looking at the floor. "but you pulled through. You stayed strong, like I hoped and knew you would." His eyes came up to meet mine.

"I... We were going to New York city?" I asked, standing up.

"Yeah." He gave me a half-smile, running his hand through his longish hair. "You'd always wanted to go. I wanted you to have the time of your life, and instead, you almost died because I had the idiocy to take my eyes off the road." I could hear the tears in his voice. "I'm so sorry, Em."

I heard him call me Em and I started to cry, too. I walked over to him, and put my hand under his chin, bringing his eyes up to meet mine. I intertwined the fingers of my hands in both of his.

"Nash, listen to me. I don't remember everything, I don't remember most of anything. But I do remember that accident, and I remember how I felt with you right before it happened. It wasn't your fault, and if I had died, it would have been worth spending my last happy minutes with you." I told him. I was still letting tears slip and I meant every word I said to him.

"Melanie." He whispered my name. I wrapped my arms around his waist and I felt him wrap his around my body. He was warm and the only slightly familiar thing I had right now, and I was grateful for him.

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