Paula My Teenage Stalker

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The school bell rang as students flooded into the crowed hallways. Paula a skinny red headed girl and Angel a light brown haired girl walked to their next class then sat together. They had been good friends for two years. In school if you saw one then you saw the other.

The class had settled down. Mr. Brown the math teacher stood up and started writing today's assignment on the black board. Tom opened the door and took his seat next to Angel, they were boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Thanks for joining us Tom. Try and be like the rest of your classmates and be on time." Mr. Brown said as he continued to write.

"Where were you?" Paula whispered.

Tom blew his smokey breath toward her. She waved it away.

"Stop that," Angel whispered.

Tom looked at Angel with his goofy grin, as if to say who me. Paula smiled with a jealous wish, that she had a boyfriend like Tom or anyone.

The girls next class was home education. This was Paula's favorite class and Angel could careless, but she needed the credits. Mrs. MacBride had placed wedding magazines on each student's desk. All of the girls sat down and started flipping through the magazines. She's one of the nicest teacher in the school. Often you could walk past her classes and there would be laughing going on. She was teaching and having a good time too.

"I know some of you girls have boyfriends. I want to give you a glimpse into your future with them," Mrs MacBride said.

"What if you don't have a boyfriend?" Angel asked as she looked in Paula's direction.

"Well, (there was a pause), most men don't realize that they love you at first. You have to be the leader in the relationship in that way. That's how it was with Mr. MacBride and myself," she said.

"So if they don't love you at first they will later on? Paula asked.

Mrs. MacBride didn't answer, instead she instructed the class to pick out their favorite wedding dress then stand up saying the type of wedding they wanted. After the last bell rang for the day, Paula walked Angel to her bus, She didn't need to use the bus because she lived only three blocks from the school with her grandmother.

" I'll see you tomorrow, " Angel said.

Just then one of the schools student seniors got on the bus. Both of the girls looked him but he didn't notice them.

"Who's that?" Paula asked slowly.

"That's Tom's older brother," Angel said.

"They don't look like brothers."

"I know, but they are."

"He's much taller than Tom and has blond hair," Paula said with a growl in her voice.

"Calm down tiger, you don't want to scare him off do you?"

"What should I do?"

"I don't think he's dating anyone right now,"

"Can you introduce me?"


The school bus was half full as Paula and Angel climbed up the steep bus steps. They had to wait as one of the students fitted his tuba on the bench seat. Paula shook with excitement as she waited behind Angel.

Robert noticed Angel, he asked,"have you seen Tom?"

"You know Tom he's always late," Angel laughed.

"Yeah, but I don't want him to get yelled again by Ralph for him missing the bus," Robert said.

"Who's Ralph?" Paul's asked.

"He's our step dad and he's mean to Tom," he answered.

"Introduce me Angel," Paula asked.

"This is Paula my friend and this is Robert, Tom's older brother," Angel said.

Robert extended his hand and shook Paula's hand, saying, "nice to meet you."

Paula's knee buckled from under her as Robert caught her from hitting her head on the metal corner of the bench seat. She could feel his strength and bit her bottom lip so hard that it bled. He saw the blood and asked,"are you alright?"

"Yes thanks," she answered.

"Tom stepped on the bus and asked," what did I miss?"

"Paula fell for Robert," Angel said.

"No her knee gave out and I caught her from hitting her head," Robert explained.

"What the blood from?" Tom asked.

"I bit my lip when I fell," Paula answered.

The bus driver started the bus. Paula quickly got off the bus and waved bye to Angel. Tom Sat next to her.

"Are you trying to play match maker again?" Tom asked.

"Who me?"she replied.

"You know that Paula has mental issues, so stop trying to set her up, okay?" Tom said.

Paula held her books to her chest and hugged them really tight as the last of the bus sped off. She had found what she had been dreaming for a boyfriend, even if he didn't know it yet.

Robert had over heard Tom's conversation with Angel.

"What's wrong with Paula?" He asked.

Paula takes three different types of medications, " he answered.

"She's harmless," Angel said.

The bus stopped to let Angel off then drove on. Robert waited until the bus turned the corner to ask Tom," are you serious about Angel?"

"She makes me laugh, plus she's not like all the snooty girls at school," Tom defended.

"I see a mean streak in her."

"She's just playing match maker."

"Don't you think it's mean to try and set me up with some that's not mentally stable?"

"We're home," Tom said as the squeaky wheels brought the bus to a stop.

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