Chapter 2

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I ended up falling asleep again before Beau came back, and I woke up the next morning I saw him laying on a roll away cot sleeping soundly. I then called for the nurse to get breakfast, and also to see what time I would be getting out today.

"Yes, Chelsea?" Nurse Amy asked me as she walked in.

"Could you get some breakfast for the three of us. I was also wondering what time I would be leaving today?"

"I will get you the breakfast, and when I come with your breakfast I will have your answer. Sounds good?"

"Yes that sounds good. Thank you."

I rolled over and suddenly had to pee. I called for the nurse to help me, and she came in to unhook all of the tubes. I made it to the bathroom just in time.

When I came out Beau was finally up and so was Brittany. Both were talking to each other about me. I paused by the door to stop and listen to want they had to say.

"So you are saying that you will marry Chelsea, and she won't marry Nathan at all?" Brittany asked sounding very confused.

"Yes, Brittany that is what is going to happen. I know this is all pretty confusing to you right now but I will explain it to you when you have some breakfast in you."

"O-k-a-y," she said uncertainly to him.

As I was about to enter the room the breakfast tray came in and they both looked up. They saw me standing there in the bathroom. Beau ran over to me and helped me back to my bed. On the way there I asked him if I could help him to explain what happened to Brittany.

"Yes that sounds good. She might be able to believe you more than me," he said in reply.

We made it to the bed where I laid back down and the nurse hooked up all the tubes again. She set the tray by me and Brittany, and then turned to give Beau his. She soon left the room and we started to eat in peace.

"So when are you going to explain to me what is going on?" Brittany asked impatiently.

"We will tell you right now," I said to her sadly. "Do you remember what happened when Nathan was attacking me?"

"Yes I do remember that faintly. However, I do remember that I started to attack Nathan, but after that it was a fog."

"I will explain what happened after that," I said to her. "After he decided to fling you into a pile of tables and chairs, I had to fight him on my own. I tried to push the button for the nurse but couldn't reach it. Soon I saw Beau pushing Nathan off of me. A nurse ran in and called the police. They arrested Nathan, and my dad told me he will be in jail for a while. Beau then proposed to me, and I accepted. They took me back to check on me and the babies, which are both fine. I will be able to keep the house, car, and money until we are on our feet. Does that clear things up?"

"Yeah sort of. The doctor told me that I may forget from time to time so is it okay if you remind me?"

"Yes I totally understand, and I would be glad to help you remember," I said to her happy she was almost back.

"Is there anything else you don't understand?" Beau asked her.

"No I don't think so," she said in reply.

"Man this bacon and eggs are amazing!" I exclaimed in happiness.

Soon we were finished with breakfast and Nurse Amy came in.

"Miss Chelsea I have been talking with the doctor and he said that you will be released in an hour. I will get your personal belongings so you can change. I will grab them now and you can take a shower before you have to leave."

"Thank you so much Nurse Amy!"

"I will call your parents and let them know, so they can come and pick you up," Beau said to me. "I will be right back." He kissed me on the cheek and left with his cellphone in hand.

Nurse Amy unhooked all of my tubes and led me to the bathroom. She came back in with my bag of personals, and I was ready to jump in the shower. She walked out the door, and I turned and locked it. I took off the hospital gown and got in. I let the hot water run over my dirty and grimy body. I grabbed the soap and scrubbed my body until it was soapy. It only took me 20 minutes in the shower, and I was soon done. I put my clothes on and opened the door to see my parents and Beau standing there looking distraught.


Author's Note

I am so sorry that it is has taken me so long to update! I have so busy with work and being a full-time college student. However, I am so glad to introduce this new chapter to you guys! Please comment and vote what you think!! Please also tell your fellow readers about this book and I greatly appreciate it! Enjoy the new chapter! A new one could be out by tonight or tomorrow!!

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