"I can't believe she did it," Anna said, and Cas turned to see her shaking her head, sighing as she crossed her arms over her chest. She looked at Cas and raised her eyebrows. "If you heard it from me, I told her not to tell him about tonight. It's going to be nothing but trouble."

"Who?" Cas asked, looking back to what little he could see of the foyer.

"You'll see," Anna laughed, and when Cas turned to continue speaking to her, she was already half way across the room, slipping away into the kitchen. Cas blew a breath out of his mouth and then glanced back at the foyer, still curious. Two girls had replaced the boys at the window, and were whispering to each other as he approached. He stared over their heads, but it was too dark to see from his distance what they were looking at.

"Did you see him?"

"Martha, don't look!"

"Oh, I can't help it! He's so bad! Would you look at that bike?"

"Can you even believe it? He and Lisa?"

They giggled into their hands, attempting tokeep their breath from fogging up the glass, and one of them began tugging on their skirts a little in anxiety.

Cas' brow furrowed and he tried to look past one of their heads to understand, but he could only manage to make out was a shadowy group of people in front of what must have been the motorcycle they were referring to. It was too dark to tell the model, but the group was really two - four Fraternity brothers that Castiel knew from school and one individual a little taller than them, his back angled towards Cas. Castiel blinked and then rolled his eyes as the girls squealed.

"Do you think they'll fight? Rich looks like he's just spoiling for one!"

"Beth, don't talk like that! If there's a fight someone will call the police for sure!"

Cas snorted at the conversation and turned away, trying to remember if he would end up in the dining room if he went past the staircase on his left.Someone had changed the album and now The Beatles was filtering through the house. Abandoning the otherwise uninteresting stranger, Castiel made his way past the stairs, itching to dance. He bounced a little on his toes and hummed to the beat as he turned a corner - and excellent. The front parlor had been transformed into a makeshift dance floor, the sofas pushed to another room (one was even outside) to make space for the people already jammed inside, rocking with the music.

In the sea of people he could see Hester laughing and bobbing her head as a boy whispered something in her ear. She was looking in Cas' direction though, and he waved and she grinned, lifting her hand to beckon him over. He looked around for a place to set his drink and settled for the mantle already littered with bottles, and then hurried to her, pardoning himself as he knocked against the dancing people who were too engrossed in the music, or their partners, to care much.

"Cas!" Hester said, tugging his arm, coaxing him into a twist. He followed her example and soon the two of them were dancing, working into the groove of the group.

"Oh my gosh, so have you heard?" Hester said suddenly in an interlude, pressing herself close to him. Cas bent his ear instinctively to her, still moving his feet and she repeated herself, louder. "Did you hear?! About who came?"

Cas pulled back and rolled his eyes again, shoving his glasses back up his nose. He really needed to get the frames adjusted...

"I heard. Who is it?" he asked and Hester gaped at him, her arms swinging in time with the music.

"You mean you don't know?"

"Well, I mean, I guess it's someone Lisa knows?" he continued, barking a laugh, and Hester shook her shoulders in rhythm, even as she gave Cas the most incredulous look he'd ever seen. He frowned, annoyed.

Twist And ShoutOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora