Chapter 1

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             It was a cold rainy winter’s night. I was walking home through the alley, even though my mother said it was dangerous, because it was honestly the fastest way home. Who could pass up a shortcut when stuck in freezing below-zero weather? I saw the lights of my home and breathed a sigh of relief. I had made it. I started to break into a light jog when a huge, dark and menacing figure stepped into my path.

                “Going somewhere?” a man’s voice growled.

            I whimpered, my mother’s warnings filling my mind and suddenly, I regretted walking through the alley.

            “I-I-“ I stuttered. I could barely speak.

            All of a sudden, two other dark tall figures came behind the first man. This was it. This was the end. I was going to die in this alley only a few blocks from my house. The first man grabbed my arm and slapped me across the face. The other had a rope and gag and he started to put them on me. Right before he did that, I let out a wailing scream that probably could have been heard for miles. This resulted in a blow to my stomach and I doubled over in pain. Now the gag was on me and the ropes around my wrist. No one had heard me. No one had come.

            “So much for that little scream, eh? No one’s going to save you!” the second man yelled at me.

            “Wrong! I am.” Said a voice from somewhere behind me.

            The men turned and looked up to see another man, but taller and more muscular walking toward them down the alley. Apparently, he had some sort of weapon because they muttered something as fear entered into their eyes, and sprinted out of the alley in the opposite direction, leaving me still bound. Now, it was my turn to be scared. I heard the footsteps get closer and closer until the figure had stopped and was standing over me. I allowed myself to open one eye and I was surprised as to what I saw.

            “Now, you’re lucky. If I hadn’t been taking out the trash, you’d have been a goner!”

            A teenage boy, not much older than 17, stood over me. His hair was in beach blonde waves that perfectly fell around his face and his eyes were the deepest brown I had ever seen. He was tall and muscular but not as much so as his shadow had previously indicated. He had a pocket knife in his hand, which in the dim light, probably looked like a machete to my assailants. The boy began to cut off my ropes and then I pulled off my gag.

            “What’s your name?” he asked me.

             “A-Aspen” I stuttered again.

            “Aspen? I’m Ross. Nice to meet you. Though, this probably wasn’t the nicest situation to meet in.” He joked but became serious again.

            I gave him a small smile. He was cute but I wasn’t quite sure what to think of him yet. I’ve never seen him before and I know everyone in the neighborhood.

            “Did you just move in here? I haven’t seen you around before…” I ask.

            “Yeah, last week actually. My whole family is here.” He explains.

            “Family?” I ask a little sadly. I had lost almost my entire family except my mom to a house fire a few years back.

            “Yeah. I have 3 brothers and 1 sister. You should come over and meet us some time. I’m just down the street over there.” He gestures, and points to a fairly large house down the road.

            I nod and get up. I almost turned to leave but then I figure it would be nice to give him a proper thank you.

            “By the way, thank you.” I whisper.

            “No problem.” He replies.

            I slowly walk to my house and I could feel his eyes burning into my back. I turn my head slightly and I saw him staring at me. He saw me turn and he gave a small wave. I wave back then open the door to my house, shut it, and turn the key.

Everything Has Changed (An R5 Mystery Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon