I Can't Live Without You

18 1 0

This takes place directly from the last chapter in No One's Perfect.
😭Trigger warning😭
~~~~~~~~Crys's POV~~~~~~~
My whole world just crashed before my eyes. After pulling the trigger Naomi collapsed to the ground with a quiet thud.
"NO!!!" A scream like bloody murder escaped my lips. I had to move, I had to get to her, she can't be dead. I started to walk, I tried to run, it was like moving through water, my legs dragging me down like lead weights.
My body told me no, but I need to get to her.
Naomi was a distance away, a few yards from where I stood minutes ago. Her body lays lifeless and frail looking on the snow.
Once I got to her, I kneeled down and pulled her onto my lap, blood leaking from her head.
"Naomi." I tried to shake her, shake her awake.
"Naomi please! Please wake up!"
Tears streamed down my cheeks and onto her chest.
"Naomi you can't die! You can't leave me here! Please don't leave me!" I continued to shake her, but it was no use.
I pulled her closer to me, trying to give her all my warmth.
She was as cold as the snow around us, her skin tone matching it as well. I've never seen her so pale, her hair so colorless, her body so still.
No that's a lie.
Her hair was more red then ever with her blood coating it like hair dye. Her skin was like paper, the paper she loved to write and draw on that was so familiar to me. Her body was always still, always frail and beautiful as she slept.
It's just a little different now. She actually left me.
"I can't live without you..." I whispered in her ear.
I can't. She was the only reason I made it to be 18. She's the only reason I'm still alive.
I can't live without her.
I looked at the pistol still in her hand, it had 2 bullets, she only shot one.
There's another bullet.
"I won't live without you."
I pulled the gun from her hand.
"I'm sorry..." I looked back at everyone else. All of them with terrorized expressions, I'm not sure if it's from what just happened, or from what is about to happen.
But I don't care.
I looked back at Naomi, she was beautiful, she always denied every comment she got, she never saw how beautiful she really was.
I love her. She is and always will be my best friend. My sister. My family.
And I'm not living without her.
Several more tears fell on her cheek, I wiped them away with my thumb and kissed where they fell.
"I love you Naomi."
I held onto her a little tighter.
And I started to sing.
"How does someone so perfect,
Feel so insecure?"
In the distance Jack called out my name.
"As to scar her skin with cuts and burns and still want to hurt more."
I could faintly hear the soft footsteps as they ran towards me, Jack, Lily, and Mark.
"How does someone so loving,
Learn to hate her own guts?"
They were closer now, they all screamed my name and pleaded me to put the gun down.
Why didn't they do this for Naomi?
"She draws on her arm with a blade-"
I pressed the gun to my temple, kissed Naomi, and looked back at the people I loved the most.
One last time.
"-as if her mind isn't dark enough."
And pulled the trigger.

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