Chapter Two

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“HRH Prince Stefan.”  Stefan was announced and walked into his mother’s apartment. Its royal red and gold looked stunning in the night that was produced from the chandeler. Expecting something like his mother’s hand to come out of the air and slap him, he entered slowly  “Madre?”  Stefan  said as he walked even further into the apartment. His mother was sitting at her desk reading some papers. She idly threw the papers on the desk and stood up to see her son.

“ What is wrong with you Stefan?”  Anne said in a harsh tone, walking slowly towards her son.           “ None of thease women mean anything to you, you go and sleep with anything that has a pulse. You cannot keep doing this." Anne pleaded. "This is not the way a Prince of Italy should behave!” Anne shouted at her son. Stefan rolled his eyes and sat on the sofa. “AND Princess Charlotte!!! What is wrong with you Stefan?” Anne sat in the chair opposite him looking into his eyes.

“What mother!  Would you rather me go and sleep with the dog!?” Stefan shot back at his mother. Anne raised her head to the heaven wondering how the hell she had produced such a idiot. Stefan was the only child of Their HRH Lord Devaro and Princess Anne of Italy. Stefan’s father died when he was 10. Stefan had gone off the rails since his father’s death, Anne couldn’t stand to look at the papers in the morning  to see her son spread around the tabloids. The royal family had suffered from Stefan’s actions, and he still didn’t care.

“STEFAN SHE IS GOING TO BE MARRIED NEXT MONTH!!!” Anne shouted.  “Plus you are an usher at their wedding!” For some reason Stefan looked pleased with himself. “What is so funny Stefan.”

“I slept with the future Queen of Denmark.” He said before he burst into a fit of laughter. Anne didn’t have any words. “You are a prince of Italy and you have no respected of me, my country and what’s worse yourself.” Anne said with disgust in her voice. “The amount of family history and noble blood that is in you, I thought that you would be a great ruler, but you no more than a self-conceited, stuck up, spoilt, arrogant boy that is no creation of mine.”

Stefan stood up and started to walk out of his mother’s apartment, in frustration and anger. No one turned their back on Anne. She stood up and followed him out of the apartment. “If you don’t change your attitude Stefan I will not acknowledge you as my heir.” She shouted at the top of her voice, her words echod around the hallway.

Stefan stopped in his tracks and started to shake. He turned around to face his mother. “You wouldn’t dare. The law clearly states….” Before he had the chance to continue Anne interrupted him. “ Laws can be changed and if you continue to act in this manner, which is in no way for a future King of Italy to behave, I will not acknowledge you as Italy’s heir.”

Stefan kept his temper under control and looked his mother in the face. “Actually mother as you just said, as a future King of Italy it is me who should acknowledge you. You will step down and be nothing. You will have no control over me and how I rule Italy.”

“Don’t make me do something that I will regret Stefan, because I will do it. I dont trust you to rule over Italy” Anne brought her face right up to his, even their noise hairs would have been touching. Stefan stood back and slapped his mother around the face.

“Don’t you dare threaten me mother, not after what you did to Sophia!” Stefan walked back to his apartment leaving Anne standing there in shock.

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