Colonel Kai's Death

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*On Hoth*

Colonel Kai: We are still waiting for Commander Kendall's word.

Private Havan: Sir! General Tran is calling!

Colonel Kai: General Tran? The Imperial General?

General Tran: *Via Holocall* Colonel Kai! I have called you to tell you that I have a hostage! Your little brother!

Colonel Kai: Fathryn! You bastard! What are you going to do to him!

General Tran: I will kill your brother Colonel! Surrender! And you will not die! Or your brother.

Colonel Kai: Command Squad never surrenders! We lost Major Duran! Commander Kendall will tell us what to do. *Contacts Commander Kendall* Commander?

Commander Kendall: Do it.

*Kendall ends the Holocall*

Colonel Kai: ATTACK!!!! KILL THEM ALL!

*The Command Squad and Empire fight on Hoth*

Colonel Kai: I'm coming for you Tran!

*At General Tran's Location*

General Tran: Hello Colonel.

Colonel Kai: Men surround Tran. Where's Fathryn?

Fathryn: Brother!

Colonel Kai: Fathryn! *Grabs out Blaster Pistol and blasts the door open, shortly after General Tran grabs out his Blaster Rifle and kills all four of the Snow Troopers then fires at Colonel Kai's arm* AH!

Fathryn: Kai!

Colonel Kai: Go! Fathryn! Take my Holocom.......... Contact Commander Kendall! GO!!!!

Fathryn: Yes brother!

General Tran: I win..........

Colonel Kai: Not......... If........ I have........ Some fight left in me! *Grabs out a Thermal Detonator and kills General Tran with him*

Fathryn: *At the Republic Hoth Base* Commander Kendall?

Commander Kendall: You must be Fathyrn, Colonel Kai's little brother. Where's Colonel Kai? I must speak to him.

Fathyrn: Well........... That's the thing Commander........... Colonel Kai is dead.

Commander Kendall: General Tran?

Fathyrn: Died with my brother.

Commander Kendall: Hehe....... Kai always said that he'd kill General Tran for his betrayal. Man kept his word. We will give our fallen a proper burial. Thank you for the call. We now know what we must do. Commander Kendall out.

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