The Hypercube

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Stasi's POV

Ah, home, sweet home. It's been awhile since I've been here. The sweet, smell of life and death, ah, just gets me all fuzzy inside. If only Archi would have listened to me earlier, I could have escaped her self-concious by now, give or take a few hyperyears (years in the Hypercube). Patience... Is all I need. The Curse of Kronos will be unleashed upon Olympus. They will feel the need to oppose their own order. The gods, will become inert, and I will take control over Archi, and the world.

Archi's POV

I hate this place. Simple as that. After the Curse of Kronos struck... I didn't understand the concept... I was scared. After she took hold of my self-concious, I nearly gave in, bt I soon realized Inwas stronger. I could not be decieved.

I looked around the 4-Dimensional chasm I created and started searching the future. 1941, 1942, 1943. Gods, this I going to take awhile, but I gotta get out quick, before Stasi strikes in her prime.

As I travel the expanding sides of the, 8 Cell, I notice an unatural light. I contempate whether or not to check it out. Yes, go see to it. Just a small delay. No, Stasi, your roots are deception and only that. I wll not listen to you anymore. I will withstand your subterfuge.

I look to the left to find the year 1997. Getting closer. The closer I get, the more fatigued I feel. Moving this far through the Hypercube is draining my life. By the time I reach 2016, I estimate I will be about 6,200-something. After so many years, I've forgot my birthday. All I know is it's around the winter solstice, if not that day. 

Ah, here we are. 2015, just the next—wait. 2017? Where 2016? Gods, not now. STASI!!! Hwere did you put it! Ha! You should've listened to me. Sometimes telling the truth is false enough. Good luck getting out before my physical inception. NOOO!!! STASI you, you son of a cyclops! Where did you pu— gasp. The light.

I rush to the blindimg light, literally fighting against both time, and gravity. Going back through time was like walking in a pit of boiling tar. Gravity was slowing me down, and time was forcing to reverse itself, which burned every muscle in my body. I could see it, but the, gravity, of the situation was intense. Ah, humor never fails me.

I could feel Stasi's being, being pulled from my mind. I had to act fast before she was free and took form of a stronger inception, in which could easily demise my real, actual conciousness.

The light was literally right in front of me, I could feel the warmth of summer tingling my finger tips. Just give up, you'll never make it. I say other wise. I made one last thrust into the light, and the brightness quickly diminished to darkness, abyss. I couldn't see anything. Abyss. Absence.

Suddenly, I could smell... Grapes? A blurry silouette formed over me. No. Silouettes. I could hear whispering among them but before I could focus,both my eyes and ears, the darkness came back, and I passed out.

Stasi's POV

NO! NO NO NO NOOO! She never listens! Uhg, calm down Stasi. She's asleep. You can manage another plan, just give it some time. She doesn't realize that even though I am not as I wanted to be, I am stronger. The Curse of Kronos will be unleashed, and nothing, not even the gods, can stop it.

Daughter of TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora