The Birthday Surprise

Start from the beginning

As Aidan reaches you, you feel faint again and suddenly you know you're going to faint. And then you're collapsing forwards as the room goes dark. A few minutes later you come to and you realise that Aidan has caught you.

"Crap I am so sorry," you say.

"Don't worry about it. It's not every day I get to have a hot girl in my arms. Oh and happy birthday by the way," Aidan says

You are completely embarrassed and even more so when someone decides to make a joke about it.

"You've literally fallen for him Y/N" one of your friends calls out.

You realise then that you are still in his arms and quickly stand up blushing furiously.

"I like your costume Y/N. Are you ok now?" Aidan asks, passing you your bow which you'd dropped.

"Yes I think so. Don't' know why I fainted like that. Thanks for catching me," you say.

Aidan looks amazing in dark blue skinny jeans, a black tee-shirt and his black leather jacket and you can't get your eyes off him. You can't believe he called you a hot girl just before especially as you are currently dressed as a male dwarf.

"My pleasure to catch you. Now I want to hear all about that amazing costume," Aidan says.

He sat down beside you and soon you are telling him how you made your costume.

"Are you serious? You actually made every piece of that? Incredible," Aidan said.

"I did. It was a lot of work but totally worth it. I wear it to conventions and things like that," you say.

"Do you have any other costumes?" Aidan asked.

You tell him about your other costumes and then he asks if you have photos of them. So you show him your costuming Facebook page and he browses through the photos there.

"You're amazingly talented he says.

You are glad Aidan likes your costumes as you had hoped he would if he ever got to see you in them or see pictures of them. Dinner is then ready so everyone makes their way to the buffet and serves themselves some food. To your delight Aidan comes and sits next to you to eat and you are able to continue your conversation. Before getting his food he had placed a gift for you on the gift table that is in one corner of the room. You wonder what he has bought you and then begin wondering how he knew it was your birthday and who had arranged for him to be at your party.

"How did you know it was my birthday?" you ask.

"Your friends contacted me and told me and invited me to come to this. I wasn't doing anything so I thought why not as they wanted to surprise you," Aidan said.

"That they did. I never imagined you would actually come to my party," you admit.

"They included a photo of you and I liked what I saw. So this was also an opportunity to meet you as your friends told me you were extremely nice and that you happen to be single," Aidan said.

You blush at that wishing your friends hadn't told him so much about you.

"How long are you here in your/country for?" you ask.

"Well as I'm finished filming Poldark I'm here for 6 weeks as I'm having a bit of a holiday," Aidan says.

"Are you spending it here in your/town/city?" you ask.

"Yes I am. I hope to see lots of you while I'm here" Aidan says.

You can't believe it. But realistically you know it's unlikely that anything could happen since Aidan has to go back to the UK at the end of his holiday. You've gotten the impression though that he is interested in you and that is also something you find hard to believe. You're just a normal ordinary person so why would he be interested in you.

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