Helping Hand

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You had to thank the Avengers for what they had done.

Because of their actions in Sokovia, it allowed you to move about a bit more, since whatever was left of Hydra seemed more interested in them than they were for you.

You didn't care either way, it meant some more freedom for you.

You had formerly worked for Hydra as both a spy and assassin, so they had a tight leash on you, which you hated.

Then after it was revealed that Hydra was really inside S.H.I.E.L.D. after all, you realized that you needed another form of employment.

Yes you still did go on missions for them, however you didn't exactly follow them exactly, sometimes because you didn't feel like killing someone, or because it would amuse you to no end if you didn't and know Hydra officers had to handle the situation.

Then you ended up in a sticky situation, on one mission, instead of killing a target, you kept them alive. Then you did it again, and than a third time, because it suited you to do so. But this was a very big no-no in Hydra's book.

So they deemed you a traitor and sent assassins (both affiliated and nonaffiliated) your way. So you were alright for now.

But you were mainly relieved because of the breather you got as well.

Assassins had been after you nonstop this week, so it was almost impossible to leave your apartment without a gun or knife strapped to your side. Some of the assassins you faced against were very skilled, and you almost slipped up sometimes, then they'd get a clear shot and it'd all be over.

But the thing is right now, you were hungry. And that Chinese place you really liked was down the street and you just wanted food.

So despite the risk, you grabbed some cash, and hid a knife in your pocket, setting out for your food.
You didn't want to stay out for too long, so as soon as you paid for your food, you left immediately.

It seemed as if someone beat you to your apartment, you cursed.

When you reached your door, it was slightly open, so as you entered closing the door behind you. First you had went into the living room, placing the Chinese food on the coffee table.

Then you reached underneath the small table, grabbing the pistol you had hidden there.

With quick and light steps, you slowly walked further into the apartment yet even the slightest noise was making you jumpy.

However when you reached your bedroom, the sight surprised you.

It was a man wearing worn looking clothing, writing in notebooks in your bed.

He only paused from writing for a moment looking up from his notebook, before going back to writing.

How didn't you know him? He was the Winter Soldier for crying out loud!

"Did Hydra send you after me?" You asked slowly, gun still gripped in your hand.

He shook his head, continuing to write.

"What are you doing?" You asked, lowering your weapon a little this time. Even if you tried to fight him, his skill surpassed yours.


He looked up, and you noticed the lost look in his eyes, swirling with different kinds of emotion.

"That's not my name," He spoke, although to you it sounded more like a question than a statement,"It's Bucky."

"Okay then...Bucky," You began, but what were you going to do? Have him eat lunch with you?

Without a doubt you did just that.
You were familiar with the Winter Soldier, before you had "defected", Hydra had the two of you work together on a few occasions.

Back then it was really you making conversation, he would only responds with grunts, shrugs, nods, or shaking of his head.

However on one mission you miraculously got him to speak. (Although him speaking Russian didn't count because you weren't too familiar with the language)

You had somehow gotten injured (probably for a dumb reason anyway), and whenever you both had to scale something or escape anywhere, he always had you walking in front checking behind the two of you every once in a while so that you both weren't followed.

Although the only thing he really did say was "Be careful," and it was really quiet...

It was a start.
You both sat eating quietly in the small kitchen of your apartment/safe house/whatever.

He had taken most of the noodles but in turn you took most of the rice. Ha.

"What I wanna know," You said between bites," Is what you're doing here instead of with the rest of them?" What you meant was whatever was
He tensed, meaning he must've done what I did too.

Your eyes widened a bit as you swallowed the food,"You didn't."

He was silent, other than chewing.

"Oh my god you did," You said (to yourself mainly) incredulously.

He simply shrugged.

"So what are you gonna do?" You asked more softly,"If you haven't noticed, I've got a bunch of people after me too. Hydra may have fallen at S.H.I.E.L.D., but they're still some heavy hitters still active."

"I took care of them," He replied, looking out the window, mentioning the people who were after you.

You had the feeling by that he either knocked them out or killed them and if you had to take a guess...

"So really, Winter-Crap sorry, why are you here?" You asked again.

He looked down at his hands, then lifted his head to me,"Can you help me?"

I inhaled slowly, then exhaled,"Well, not only would we be chased by agents of a former organization that literally wanted to destroy the world, we'd be chased by whoever knows about us thanks to the Black Widow for releasing all those files publicly."

He looked disheartened,"...So no?"

You let out a small laugh,"Oh no this just means wherever we go, our little trip will be interesting. And yes that means I will help you."

For the first time since you had known him, a ghost of a smile appeared on his lips.
So I had been planning to write this for a while (at least Civil War released in Europe) and then I wanted to post this before it came out in the U.S but as you can see I'm a little late. But I still finished. So whoop.
I will probably write a second part at least a week after CW is out in the U.S because I don't wanna spoil anyone. So maybe stay tuned for that??

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