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'Shatterfry the plasmic shell and modify the dimensional stabiliser to a foldback harmonica 36.3, you accelerate the growth power by 59.'

Not the most inspiring quote at first glance, but that was all the Doctor needed to set his hearts a flutter-- no, wait, that's not right! He was a human now, and he needed to start getting used to the strange, empty feeling of having only one heart (though he never actually would). Despite this, those words were also like lead in his one heart, blooming voids that gnawed at the tissues. They were the last he'd ever hear Donna Noble say.

That aside, the Doctor's new life was a blessing. He would never again have to deal with the deep sorrow that used to be his daily prescription from the darker parts of the universe, except maybe the few close people in his life who would eventually get the Grim Reaper knocking on their doors, him included, now. It surely beat slowly watching everyone you loved and cared for turn to dust, which was sadly the fate of his counterpart, probably at that moment roaming the universe in his Box like the madman he was.

Life with Rose was like drinking hot cocoa cuddled up under the covers on a stormy winter's night-- it just felt right. They had gotten a tiny house on the outskirts of parallel London, not too far from Jackie, Mickie, and the bunch. Rose had received a position in Torchwood, while the Doctor, also having been offered a job in 'alien affairs' which he turned down so he could get a taste of human life, found work in the strangest of places. Couldn't quite commit, that one. Despite all that though, he had a hunger that could not be satisfied by a good ol' trip to the fish n' chips bar. He missed the adventure. Don't get me wrong though, Rose did too, deep down in her one heart.

Now, the Doctor had a secret that would change all that. Every last morsel, chunk and bit. It risked bringing back the take-two-daily pills of grief, but the both of them knew that they would throw back their heads and down them in a heartbeat-- in moderation, of course. It all began with Donna's famous last words.

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