Getting to know you.

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Omgosh guys!!!! 49 reads already!! I'm so happy :DDD

You guys made my day! :DD In school! XD Welp. Here's a new chapter dearies. :3


^Talon's POV^

Ever since I met this..child I started to smile a little more often. She was like a tiny ball of light in my heart..

Hearing that she had gone through a lot of pain makes me feel sorry for her, but feeling sorry for her might make her feel..weird about it and scared that I'll be too close. I don't wanna scare that little girl.

She hasn't really said anything to me yet but she writes down what she wants to say. I just found out a while ago that she's a mute. Gee..I wonder what made her go mute, must have been too much for a little girl on her age.

I stood up from the edge of my bed, opened my suitcase slowly. I put on my black tank top and blue skinny jeans. Yes..skinny jeans. I stole them. I'm very good at stealing but I don't think I'm gonna tell anyone about it, especially Allynna. I think I'll just end up scaring her.

I saw a picture of my mother in the bottom of my suitcase. My mother was like Allynna, she made my life more happy. But ever since my abusive father killed her...I had to live with that idiot. That's why I came to the orphanage. I needed somewhere to stay, and away from that phsyco.

Allynna had her own room. Sophia had said it was because none of the girls or boys wanted to be near her. Even Sophia was a little scared of Allynna. Wth would that little girl do to make even adults scared of her? I wonder if she really meant the demon's daughter thing. Oh well.

I brushed my hands through my hair and sighed. I really didn't think about taking a shower. Instead I walked through a door at the end of the hall and slowly opened it. Inside the room. Was a lot of stuff. There were ripped stuffed bears and a lot of them. Probably like 10 of them. I looked around and saw black and white paintings. That's really pretty. She had drawn a lamppost, but it was like a real one, just black and white, with the shadowing perfectly done. I say, this girl has talent. Then I looked in the corner, and there, under a green thick blanket, curled up, was Allynna. I guess it was her, I mean, this was all black and white, and I saw what looked like horns?...wait....HORNS?!??!?!?!? Allynna sat up, her eyes were red, and I mean glowing-red-eyes. I gulped heavily and just stood there. She stood up and spoke in a low voice.

-"What are you doing here?!?!?!....GET OUT!!!" She screamed. I got a little shocked by her voice, it sounded like a broken, raspy but dark. Instead of running away I took a few steps into her room.

-"Why should I leave? I don't really have any reason to leave anyway, so I can stay if I want to."

I saw Allynna widen her eyes.

-"'re not gonna run away and tell everybody else that I'm a horrible and stupid weird person?"

-"No! Why would I do that Allynna?? I don't hate you! I said I'd take care of you, and I still stick with doing so."

-"I...I...I'm" She stammered.

-"It's okay. Not like I'm not used to getting screamed at. I guess most of us can be grumpy in the morning".

She giggled softly. I'm glad she's happy. I'm happy too to have someone, like Allynna.

-"C'mon. Let's get some breakfast." I told her.

-"But..breakfast isn't here.." She said.

-"Oh. I'll buy us some food. I don't wanna eat here anyway." I chuckled and kneeled in front of her, hugging her tightly.

-"I promise, I need you as much as you need me, Allynna. I won't leave you. No matter if you have horns or red creepy glowing eyes." I laughed slightly.

-"I'm glad to have someone too for me." She kissed my cheek and I just smiled at her. Then I waited outside her room. She then came back out. She was wearing a white/brown-ish dress. It was ruffled all over and just a little poofy. It was really pretty. It had sleeves that reached her elbows. She looked adorable in it with her poofy black hair, which was now in a ponytail. I gasped as I didn't even see her horns anymore.

-"Sorry..everytime I go out of my horns disappear.." She said.

Ah. Okay. That made so much more sence. I chuckled and reached out for her hand and walked with her out on the streets. We didn't say anything at all to each other. I ordered two burgers and a huge bag of fries. I like fries. Haha. Seems like she liked them too. After that we just went back into her room. And we stayed there for the rest of the day. She fell asleep in my arms. I held her close to me tightly and stayed silent. After a while, I just fell asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hope you guys like the chapter! :D Comment and vote and review for me. :3 Or whatevu you want. Lol.

-Anna c:

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