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Stumbling down the cracked, cobbled path towards the bridge, Jellal finally came face-to-face with Erza scarlet, a beauty that shone bright. Her face quickly switched from a warm welcome to fear and desperation. They stood, well, one stood and one was in pain just about holding himself up
She whispered, bearly audable. Erza rushed to hold him up and he slowly and shakily placed a white sealed letter in her pocket. Tears were streaming down her face, knowing that is his fragile condition, it was slim anything at all could be done. Erza came here to meet him, not to witness the love of her life die infront of her eyes! She watched as he took his last breath to speak, slumped in her arms on the ground,
"I always loved you, Scarlet... Please know that I trully did"
He smiled up at her, the way a vunerable puppy did who was just about to be put down. That was the last thing she heard from him. She found herself screaming out as the agony of seeing this tragady infront of her felt like poison slowly burning at her heart. Whatever she had done in her former life to have to witness something like this must had been unatonable, who ever it was above knew how to pull the right strings.

Currently, Erza was sobbing in her room, accounpanied by Gray who found her with Jellal in her arms under the bridge. She sat in a cream colourd arm chair, blue pillows, of course to remind her of HIM while he was away. He was easy to make out, the blue hair always made her secretly jump with joy inside as he came by to see her. Thats what made it that much better for Erza, the danger of it, he was still on the run as a fugative after all! Gray walked up to her, while she sat letter in hand, and crouched down infront.
"If you dont feel like opening it right now, dont push yourself. Its been quite the eventfull evening, does anyone else know?"
Soothed the ice mage,
"No, no one else does... I have to open it Gray, but I dont know if I can"
Erza hessitated for a slight moment, shaking she ever so carefully tore it open to reveal a hand written letter.
She skimmed over it, more tears began to dwell in her eyes as Gray just watched her reaction.
"How many times do I have to tell you Jellal"
Gray couldn't pick up weather it was anger or sadness in her voice
"What does it say?"
He spoke quitely, unsure if it was a good idea to raise the question.
She read.

"Dear Erza Scarlet,

I feel that walking has become another chore, i dont think i can go on walking anymore. My life is tireing, my feet are feeling sore. I miss when life was just simplicity, and misery wasn't always chasing after me. Its pretty obvious now i should had left my regrets but i held onto the so foolishly. Its just me hopelessly, brainlessly, so silly just hoping for good to be! Just hear my plea, pick me up and drop me into unfaultering sleep!
They say to look hard for a solution, but wouldn't that depend on the person. I could never believe a word anyone said, i know that everyone's had their hardships and its clear to me that im not alone, but how is it that they can just leave them? I just dont know at all!
When some simple little problems arise i overthink them over and over again. It seems that the world is just a troublesome place and sometimes i wish that i could could just end the pain, why cant everything just end simply? I constantly search for a place to cry, why wont these tears just stop falling from my eyes?
Its hard to constantly think of the same thing, its just unnessisary to think to much. You always told me stars would guide me back home although they only show at night. You always showed me so much kindess, i dont deserve it i have failed you to much. I think my heart is going to split, just leave it be for now. Obviously i cant be caught happy, then what am I after all?

Love, Jellal Fernandes"

Erza broke down into another flood of tears, never before had Gray seen Erza this dissresed. I mean, sure, Gray had seen Erza cry, but never like this. Gray stood up to hug Erza, normally she would hate any sort of physical touching of her own personal space but it suprissed him that she had already flung her arm foward over his broad shoulders.

HIIIII! Hope you liked, this just sorta came to me! The song isnt word for word but i stole some bits 😂😂 but nether the less, here is your jerza story, NO, this is not a GraZa ship although during the TofH arc i DID ship them... but now my priorities are strait and i SHIP JERZA 😍😍 Erza you b**** back off Jellal is MINE!

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