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     Growling, he started creeping towards me, stalking towards me like I'm his prey. I backed away slowly trying to hide my fear... Man, how did I get here... I thought as the memory flooded back into my head.
Flash Back:
      "Mom, dad, I need to write a paper for school, I'm going to go out in the forest to study wild life!" I called up to them, "I'll be back late, I don't know what time exactly, but I'll bring snacks and my exploring stuff, don't worry about me!" I yelled up and I heard a gruff ok, I knew it was dad. I go to my room and start packing for a long "trip" this will be fun! I pack extra clothing, my journal, camera, compass, matches, duct tape, & the rest of my survival kit. Better be safe than sorry right? I shrug, and grab food and drinks, I think I'm all ready, yep! "I'm going now, goodbye, I love you both see you later!" I hear moms sweet goodbye, and dads low, grim sounding goodbye. I shut the door, and head into the forest in my backyard, as I get deeper into the forest the light fades from a bright green, to a dark grey/black colored green. I study the wild life here, I hear birds chirping their beautiful songs, I write it down along with the pattern of the forest. For some reason, I have always loved being outdoors, mainly the forest, I have a special rock near the entrance that I come and sit on, it's been my special place since I've been 5, but now, I'm 16. I feel bolder, more aware, the forest draws me even closer. I carved Melody into the Rock when I was 8 or 9 and it still lies their, my name, on my rock. I hear howls, the song of the wolves, that brought a smile to my face, I thought of a journal name for the wolves, Wolf Song. Each animal has its own call, each is special, my favorite is the wolf song. This is my story, my wolf song. I nod agreeing with myself. I skip further into the forest, I hear growling coming my way, I freeze instantly. The growls get turn into snarls of disgust, closing in towards me, I walk back slowly with my hand out. My backpack with everything I have in it just so happens to fall, of course... I eye it for a minute, his eyes follow mine, he sees the bag. I try to move towards it, his growl threatens me to stay away from it, as I back away...
      Present time:
He steps towards me, one mighty paw at a time as I take a small weak step back. He growls as if telling me to stop and stay were I'm at, making menacing sounds, gliding my way. I stick to my spot like glue, not daring to go anywhere, not moving a muscle. I'm speechless, as he approaches me, he nudged me forward, towards God knows where. I have no clue where he's talking me, suddenly two other lust filled males creep beside me, licking their lips like they want to eat me... Wait what? Lustful why are they filled with love and passion?! I'm so confused!? I think to myself, pacing as I walk, inching closer to the place they are taking me. There eyes turn black, full filled with love, and care. A low, loud with grim, and menacing growl erupts as the wolves that joined besides me, instantly bowed and backed away from me. I knew this was the alpha, because of his tall dominate stance, chest puffed up, and how his tail stood, also because the others cowered away, bowing to him. He scanned the crowd, but what really caught me was his beautiful chocolate brown eyes, I just couldn't look away, I was lost... Suddenly I saw him shake his head as he continued to search for someone, which I figured was probably the beta. His eyes stopped on the wolf that had been creeping towards me, as the Alpha growled at him. I have read that wolves can mind link pack & family members, and it seemed that's what they were doing. I saw the alpha jump down off the ledge he was on, he charged towards his beta. He snarled his outrage hissing at him, he cowered his apologies to his alpha, as if saying he's sorry and didn't know. He jogged towards me as I stepped back cowering away from him, scared of the wrath he could bring, I only realized now a gave a sad small whine. He paced in his spot for a minute or two then lowered his head walking towards me. Slowly, I began to trust this wolf for some reason, his eyes begging for forgiveness. He reached to me and I closed my eyes as I felt a very wet snout touching my hand. I felt a small tung slide across my hand, I have a small giggle and tried to pet his head, he let me. His soft fur gliding across my hand and through my fingers, his black fur blowing in the wind. He brushed his fur against my legs as a show of trust and love. His ears fall back on his head as he closes his eyes, giving a small rub of fur against me, and a pur like sound makes me laugh some more, I love and trust this amazing little wolf. I saw a tan and white wolf transform into a man, wearing nothing, and I was very confused, suddenly... Everything went Black...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2016 ⏰

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