chapter 14: Alec

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Aro's Point of View

"I don't think we need

to go the the Cullen's," Jane

said, still smiling.

"Oh?" I raised my

eyebrow at her.

"My brother is still

following the girl around. I have already told him to

get her when he has a chance. I knew you would

want her Aro. I ran back here as soon as possible

just to tell you that we had found her and we are

bringing her to you." I smiled then started laughing.

"Well Jane you made this quite easy for me.

Thank you." Jane bowed her head with a wide grin.

"We will have a powerful newcomer. Jane, will you

tell someone to get a chair for this new one. I want

her to be right next to me when she rules with

us." Jane made a short nod and quickly turned

around, walking out the door. I smiled to myself

and put my hand together. It will be as if Adonia

was with me again.

Jennette's Point Of View

I looked over the edge of the cliff and found that George was gone. Inside in my brain I knew that that was a terrible thing to do but in my heart, it was the thing that I had to do. I couldn't just stand by and know that my mom was getting abused. I couldn't just stand by when I knew I could kill George with the strength I had. But what confused me was that I didn't kill George with my hands. I killed him... with my eyes. Do all vampires have that strength? Can they make people do what they want by just their eyes. I had never seen the Cullen's do it but I think that's because they care about the human life so much.

I frowned thinking of the Cullen's. I do miss them quite a lot, even though it has only been a couple of hours. For a vampire, that feels like a few days.

I almost dropped to my knees thinking of Seth. I left Seth. How could I leave Seth? On my way to Forks, he was the only one I thought of. The way he smiled and the way he made me laugh. I knew there was something different about Seth the day I met him in his wolf form. I knew form the first day I met him that I was in love. Seth said the imprint only worked one way but I think that was a lie. It worked my way too.

A silent sob with no tears escaped my lips when I started heading back to my old home. I might as well see my mother again. She was probably in a confused and terrible state with what just happened. Confused because her husband was taken out of the house in less then one second and terrible because of the beating marks on her. I wonder if my mother has missed me. She probably has since I was the only one who kept her going.

Before I reached the house I stopped and smelled the air. Vampire? It was a vampire I had never met before because the scent was unfamiliar. It was more of a rusty smell and not a light smell from the Cullen's. I turned around and found two deep red eyes staring at me. I gasped and backed away slowly from the boy in front of me. He looked to be around 16 or 17. His brown hair went into his eyes as he smiled at me.

"Hello," he spoke quietly. "Don't be frighten with me dear one. I am here to help you with your troubles." I closed my wide mouth and stared at him.

"How do you know of my troubles Red Eyes?" I spoke to him, surprising my self that my voice didn't tremble in the slightest. It was strong and powerful.

"My name is Alec, please call me that," he smiled.

"Then Alec, please leave." I growled. For some reason, this boy bothered me. He reminded me of someone Edward told me about long ago.

"If you wish dear one," he said turning around. "But I know the power in your eyes. I know how to control it." He started walking away. He knows about my eyes? So I am the only one who can control people with them.

"Wait!" I whispered. Alec turned around but with a dance to his eyes. He knew that I was going to follow him. "You can show me how to use my eyes?"

"Yes," he smiled. "The Volturi can as well."

"The Volturi?" That name sounded familiar. If only the Cullen's explained things to me, maybe I would remember who they are.

"The Volturi are good people," Alec said, seeing the confusion on my face. "I can take you to them now. They will help you." I looked at my mom's house again and bit my lip. Then, I thought about the Cullens. I looked down at my feet. They probably wouldn't even care if I was gone. Then, I thought about Seth. I'm so sorry Seth.

"My name is Jennette," I said looking up at Alec. Alec's smile spread to his eyes.

"Hello Jennette." He put out his hand. I closed my eyes. I'm so sorry Seth. And took his hand.

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