Am i strong?

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It's a fine night with stars filled a whole sky, their faint light shone brightly making them looked like jewels. Zwei sat on the veranda, looked up to the sky carpet counting how many stars he saw tonight. Hugging his own knees, he smirked
"Heh, silly"
"What silly?"
A familiar, soft voice came closer as the green eyed lad moved his gaze to the owner of the voice.
"Hey, mutter.." he smiled
"What are you doing at this hour? Shouldn't you be in bed right now?" The mother asked, and took a seat beside her youngest son.
"I don't feel to sleep tonight" Zwei answered, his mutter silenced and followed her son to gaze on the sky.
"Mutter, do you think i'm strong?" that just question came out of Zwei's mouth out of nowhere, he asked something that every mother will say 'yes'
"Yes" she answered
"Answer me honestly" he continued.
The mother took a bit shock with what her son just questioned, since that might be a first time Zwei asked something and want to hear a real thing.
She sighed and smiled for a sec,
"You're my baby, and will forever be. If you ask me how strong you're, i'll answer you're pretty strong with what you have now. Why the sudden ask?"
"I'm not strong" Zwei said, with a rather sad gaze on his eyes. His mother could tell that his son was thinking about something.
"For the first time since i entered Hogwarts, i met with so many people with different experiences. Whether it's sad or happy times. Mostly sad." His mother listened quietly.
"They were so young, and cute for their ages. But, they suffered a terrible past. There was one time i could hear their real story of life, one of them cried so much that i, myself could feel the pain they hold. Another time, i could see someone so scared over a little thing. I could see it in their eyes" Zwei moved his trembling right palm to cover half of his face.
"And there was one that had to do something forbidden to keep themself alive, and they had to carry all the burden for entire life" he began crying.
"Compared to them, i am nothing. I'm not strong at all. I'm weak!"

For a minutes, Zwei's mother stayed silent. Letting her boy cried as much as he want, while patting his back she began to speak,
"And who's the one stays on their side, comforting them to keep them feel better?"
"I,.. don't know"
"It's you, honey" she smiled.
"A person will never tell their story to other person unless they feel comfortable with them. And you managed to open their heart to share their story with you" Zwei blinked, listened to his mutter.
"Have you ever meet someone so fake that no one knows his true identity?, do you know why is that?" Zwei shook his head
"That's because that person have no one to trust, no one to share story with. No one to believe." she continued,
"You have to be proud with yourself, because you already gained their trust. And you cannot betray them, you have to hold their hand. Don't let them go, or else they will have no one to hold on. And you, a piece of shit will take so much burden on your shoulder!" she pointed her finger, right to Zwei's forehead.
"Now, what will you do to them? Keep supporting them until your last breath or leave them more suffer?"
Zwei stayed silent, with tears started to dry he clenched his fist,
"I'll hold them, no matter how hard it'll be. I'll keep them with me"
"Now, that's my son!" she hit Zwei's back, pretty hard to made her son screeched(?).
"Go sleep, or you'll late for today's train" the mother stood up and walked inside,
"Thanks, mutter.." Zwei smiled, replied with a wave from his mother.

It's a fine night with stars filled a whole sky, their faint light shone brightly making them looked like jewels. Zwei sat on the veranda, looked up to the sky carpet counting how many stars he saw tonight.
" tsundere little brats, you guys can't hide anything from me anymore" he smirked,
"Maybe i accidentally make a new harem, ahahahaha"

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