back to black

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back to black short one shot:




Michael was a cocaine addict, luke was coming back from a bad break up. They both help each other; Luke with his heart break and Michael with his addiction

~7 months later~
"I'll be back later babe love you," Luke yells through the house hoping Michael can hear him.

"Later," Michael mutters under his breath. His boyfriend hasn't been home for a few weeks and he knows something is up, /this isnt like luke/, he thought to himself.

As michaels was doing laundry a white skirt, (knowing sometimes he likes to dress up and passes it as normal), catches his eye and it stays on his mind, but he puts it in the back of his head waiting to ask Luke later. He continued cleaning the house, pretending as if everything was normal


Michaels arm twitched and his head felt the need to feel the familiar high again. His stomach churned and soon felt bile rise up his throat. Seconds later he's running to the bathroom getting sick.


Luke walks into the house hearing sobbing coming from the bathroom. He darts to the bathroom to make sure his boyfriend is okay and pulls him into a tight hug.


If someone were to walk into their bathroom right now, they would probably think the two boys were crazy. They fell asleep in the bathtub with their bodies pressed against each other, Luke's arms wrapped around Michael. It was the only way the two boys could find warmth in each other. They could both feel the once strong connection, fading into the wind

They didn't want to lose each other so they pushed these thoughts to the side. For now, they held onto the moments of love they could find in each other.


"Why did you say that Michael?! You /know/ i'm sensitive! Have you even /thought/ about my feelings?!"

"I didn't mean to offend you Luke! Fuck... Why are you acting like this?!"

"Me?! /You're/ the one that's been acting weird! What the fuck have you been doing when I'm not home?!" Michael cringed and took a step. He tried his He tried his best to hold back, but tears began pouring out of his eyes.

"I-I-I haven't done anything Luke! I've been clean for 6th months! You saw me go through withdrawals don't you dare bring this on me Luke. I went to rehab! I-i-i fucking lost my family! I have tried too damn hard to get where I am Luke. Don't you dare accuse me." His vulnerability seeped out of his fingertips and more tears flooded his eyes and fell down his face.

Luke's happiness and anger deteriorated into sadness and as he opened his mouth to apologize and beg for forgiveness. Michael held up his hand over his mouth and silenced him as he broke Luke's heart with a single sentence.

"I'm sleeping at calums tonight"


~1 month later~
Most of their relationship was yelling between them. They both knew they needed each other but never knowing they could help each other as friends...


~3 months later ~
"Luke I think it's time we break up..." Michael said sadly, "I still want to be friends and I I don't say that in the heterosexual couple where you block each other after... I mean that in a way where I will still need you as a post for holding myself up by the seventh month mark of our relationship. We could both see it went downhill... I'm sorry Luke. Goodbye."

It was so long ago, but the words kept repeating in Luke's head. As he walked Jamie to the bar and sat down, he faked a smile. After a while Jamie asked if he wanted to go home with her. He still felt the pain of Michael breaking his heart, but he laughed a little and said yes.

Little did he know that Michael could only see the back of him, but could hear the conversation quite clearly.


As he walks into the back of the club seeing his dealer ashton handing him a small stack of money and asking for what that will get him very well knowing the prices of the drugs as he walked out of the club he mumbled something under his breath only he could hear

"you go back to her and I go back to black"

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Mar 07, 2018 ⏰

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