Chapter 4:Cats Out Of The Bag

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Adrian is floating in a sea of thoughts thinking of what he heard.

Adrian:I can't believe it Plagg Ladybug has been sitting behind me this entire time and I never knew it,but it seems so obvious now I mean she has the same hair,voice and eye color.

Plagg:Calm down Adrian its not that big of a deal she might not be Marinette after all remember when Alya thought CHLOE was Ladybug

Adrian:Maybe but lets go check

Plagg:Wait I need to eat camanba-


Adrian transforms into Cat Noir and heads to Marinette's house but not to close so Marinette won't see him

Adrian:Ok let see here

Cat Noir zooms in to see....

Adrian:Is that a KAWAMI!

Cat Noir takes a photo and leaves back to his room, Cat Noir detransform.

Plagg:There happy?

Adrian:Not quite yet,Plagg do you know who THIS is?

Adrian shows Plagg the photo of the kawami/Tikki

Plagg gives a startled look at the photo knowing who the red kawami was.

Plagg:Where did you get this photo!

Adrian:You know her?


Adrian:I will give you more camanbare

Plagg:OK,her name is Tikki and she is Ladybugs kawami,there happy now and where's my camanbare?

Adrian gives Plagg his stinky camanbare

Adrian:So ladybug has been behind me this whole time and I never knew it what do I do Plagg?

Plagg:Don't ask me

Adrian:I will figure this out tomorrow,night Plagg

Plagg:I can't hear you I'm eating my camanbare


Thanks guys for reading chapter 4 and I will load up more soon,very soon TNX!

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