Tape 004 Side B

38 2 0

???: "Hey check it out! I got the dweeb's recorder!"

??? (teen): "Nice!"

???: "I know, right?"

(shuffling noises)

???: "So should I wreck it?"

??? (woman voice) : "No, Andy. I don't think you should wreck it."

(clicking of shoes)

Andy(?) :" W-wreck wh-what Mrs.Schumer?"

(nervous chuckle)


Mrs. Schumer :"Give it to me Andy. NOW."

Andy: "Okay, fine. Take it."

(wind noise)

(shifting sound)

(thump of recorder)

Mrs. Schumer (Mrs. S) :" That was the right thing to do, Andy. Now come with me, we are going to have a major conference about your issues with Liam."

Andy: "......."

Mrs. S: "NOW, ANDY."

Andy: "Okay......."

(walking sounds)


(Door closes)

Mrs. S: "Sit down Andy."

(sound of seats moving)

Mrs. S: "I would like you to apologize to Liam. NOW."

Andy: "Or what? You can't control me! I AM A TIGER FREED FROM ITS CAGE!"

(Liam yells muffled noises)


Mrs. S: "THAT'S IT!"

(taser noise)



(heavy panting)

Mrs. S: "Here, I believe this is yours."

(shuffling noises)

Liam: "...Thank you..."

Mrs. S: "You are free to go, Liam. I will handle this."

Liam: "Wait, what will happen to Andy?"

Mrs. S: "Don't worry, he is not going anywhere. now go to class."

(bell rings)

Liam: "Shoot, it's time to go."

(door opens and creaks shut)



(door opens and closes)

Liam: "Crap, this thing is still on."

(Shifting sounds)

(end of tape)

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