The next morning (The Past)

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Lily's P.O.V.

I woke up in a unfamiliar room and jumped out of bed before getting tangled in the sheets and falling to the floor. I then heard three people laughing at me and relaxed as I remembered what had happened yesterday.

Aunt Hermione told us that it was time for breakfast after she stopped laughing. I got up grumbling about them being mean under my breath as I walked down the stairs heading for the kitchen. 

"Mudbloods, Filthy Blood Traders, get out of my house!" Was then heard throughout the house. I quickly walked up to the portrait and said "Mrs. Black can you please stop yelling, no matter how many times you yell at them they are not going to listen and you've  already woke everyone up!" I yelled over Mrs. Black and she quieted down and said "Ok Dear." and closed her curtains.

Everyone from the past was shocked and Sirius still had his wand on the portrait ready to silence the portrait. The kids from the future looked like it was a regular occurrence. James then says "she has a magical voice I don't know how she even did that  and I know everything!"

That seemed to unfreeze everyone as they automatically  exclaimed that it was not true making James pout as they go to eat breakfast.


Sorry for the short chapter but its a chapter none the less.

Can anyone tell me if this is good or If I should continue with third person?



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