Chapter 6 the question

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Harry's POV:

We headed out to the blinding flashes and shouts and screams. Now I was beginning to regret rejecting my security from coming. I was used to all this but Emma wasn't. Her face was a look of pure dread as it was lit up by the flashes.

I wrapped my arm round her waist pulling her close to my side. As we entered through the crowd I was tugged at, my tshirt was ripped, people tried to pull us physically apart but I held on tight as if I would never let her go. I looked down to her as we bundled through the crazy mob of paps. She had had her hair pulled and she just generally looked disheveled. I couldn't help noticing how beautiful she still was. It seemed like there was no end to the crowd , no matter how far we walked, it just went on and on. Finally we reached the end.

I had this impulse to pick her up and run but run where? There was no where to go! We picked up the pace now we were out of the crowd and started running.

"What do you say we head back and do something back at home?" I panted as I ran still holding her hand.

"That's fine with me" she ran next to me trying to keep up. She was smaller than me so it was hard for her to run at the same speed. We ran straight back to the train station trying to get lost in the random people around the place but the paps seemed to be after us all the time. Eventually I picked Emma up bridal style which was no problem for me because she was effortlessly light.

"Oh" she said in shock "Harry you'll break your back really! You must put me down I can run"

"Don't be silly" I said "you are very light! Anyway I like holding you, feel free you hold on to my neck" he smirked, cheeky Styles. I wrapped my arms round his neck anyway and he ran and ran til we reached the train station. "Right what you do when there is loads of people, like here, is you duck so the paps can't see you over the heads of people. Paul taught me that" I said remembering that day Paul and I went shopping in a huge shopping centre in London and got mobbed by hundreds of screaming girls.

I put her down gently and held her hand again. We both ducked and it seemed to work so we headed over to the train still keeping low.

"Wow I think we lost them" harry whispered in my ear but I could still make out his Cheshire accent.

We got back on the train and when there were some vacant seats we sat next to eachother. I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

Harry's POV:

This has been hectic! Wow I'm really started to fall for this girl. I felt her light head rest on my shoulder and when she started breathing slower and deeper I wondered if she was asleep. I looked down at our hands still intertwined and smiled. How had I managed to meet such a perfect person? I had to make her mine.

Just then a couple of fans came over. My mood dropped a little. It's not that I don't like the fans because I wouldn't be where I am today without them, but they are everywhere all the time. And I didn't want them to wake Emma.

"You're Harry Styles!" They said excitedly. They looked about ten or eleven. I nodded my head and then motioned for them to be quiet due to my sleeping princess. "Ok" they whispered. They took some photos with me and I signed some stuff and they were very considerate and kept quiet, which I appreciated. They thanked me when the train came to their stop and got off. When the train got to the stop before Oxford I had to gently wake her up.

"Emma love" I squeezed her hand gently. Her beautiful eyes fluttered open and looked up at me. "We're coming up to Oxford now so we have to get off"

"Sorry Harry I fell asleep" my heart melted at the slightest sound of her voice.

"Don't be sorry love I don't mind" I stroked her cheek with my thumb. I pulled her onto my lap and she wrapped her arms around my torso and I did the same.

As the train stopped I held her hand and we ambled over to the doors.

"Remember what we said this morning?" I said. She giggled and nodded. "1 2 3!" We jumped in unison out of the train. Then I put my cap back on so we didn't get harassed.

As we came out of the station I remembered that I hadn't rung Paul to tell him to pick us up. I mentally face palmed myself.

Paul came up to us when I started calling him.

"Wow that was fast" I said. It wasn't possible he got here in such short time.

"All we had to do was look on twitter and we found that you had gotten on the 3:30 train to Oxford so we thought we'd surprise you!" He explained.


Emma's POV:

"Do you want to come to my place and we can find something to do?" Harry asked when we were in the range rover.

"Yeh sure" I replied. I wondered what we would find to do but I didn't dwell on it because I knew Harry had probably come up with something.

As we arrived at his house I plopped my self on a comfy looking sofa and lay back. Harry went out of the room for a second and came back with a guitar.

"You play right?" He asked.

"Yeh I love it but its just a hobby, I'm not that good"

"Reckon you could teach me something? I know the basics but I want to be better"

"Yeh I could try but I might not be a great teacher" I grinned wanting to gets my hands on his guitar.

"Why don't you show me how it's done?" He chuckled seeing my anxiousness.

I took the guitar from him and started to strum out a few chords. It was a little out of tune so I adjusted it a bit.

"What should I play?"

"Do you know firework by Katy Perry?" (A/N I love the acoustic version of this song by Lawson right now)

"No but I could try to figure out the chords" I eventually got it sounding right. "So are you going to sing as well?"


I strummed out the intro...

"Do you ever feel

Like a plastic bag

Driftin' through the wind

Wanting to start again" his beautiful voice sang. It was low and sort of raspy which was amazing. As he sang the rest if the words he looked at me as if he was trying to melt my heart.

When the song ended his face looked eager.

"Teach me teach me!" He got all excited.

I handed the guitar to him and he sat cross legged on the floor. I knelt down behind him and put my left hand over his and my right on his shoulder calling out instructions. With my left hand I positioned his fingers in the right place. I rested my chin on his shoulder as I looked over what he was doing. He learnt the song in no time and was very impressed with himself.

"You know Ems you are a really good teacher"

"That's sweet Harry" I said tapping his cheek "and you are a very good pupil"

"I've never had such a hot teacher before" he commented making me blush, Cheeky Styles.

He put the guitar aside and held my hands, facing me and looked into my eyes.

"Ems I know I'm not perfect and that I don't deserve a person like you but I want you to answer me one question"

"Okay" I was staring at his beautiful green orbs that bore down on my soul. My heart beat faster and I felt the blood pumping quickly round my body.

"Would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"


Cheeky Styles Harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now