I know you remember me!

Start from the beginning

"First time you come here early" he said "Usually you'd be puking your guts off in the bathroom now" his smile faded "At least now I know why"

"Kyle I-"

"No Alex, it's okay. I just wish you would have told me" and then he smiled but it didn't quite reach his eyes "For a while there I thought you were bulimic"

I gave him a look and as he pulled out of the driveway and drove to El's house. He stayed silent the whole car ride, obviously thinking about something before blurting out mere seconds before we reached the school "Hey you know it's a wierd coincidence" he glanced at me "That you fainted right after I introduced you to grant"

I gulped and noticed El stiffened through the rearview mirror. "Yeah I guess I just got tired after a long day" 

He nodded but it was obvious he doubted what he said. he parked the car and I got out as fast as I could. I noticed all eyes on me but I expected it, by now the whole school would know I'm pregnant. I looked at my feet but felt El nudge me

"Don't you dare" she said as she confidently linked her hand through mine "Don't you dare give a crap about them"

I nodded and smiled as I ignored the not so subtle whispers around me. It was only when I spotted Grant hanging out with Kyle with his eyes on me did I shudder.

El glared at Grant "He'll stay away from you, but if he doesn't you're going to the police okay? Or at least telling one of the guys"

I nodded "I don't think he will, he wouldn't risk getting arrested"

she rolled her eyes at me "just be careful okay?"

"sure" I nodded and we headed to class.

The rest of the day was a blur, I soent lunch with El on another lunch table because Grant was at Kyle's table. We told them it was because we told them we had some 'things to do. I was thankful I didn't get to be anywhere near Grant the whole day, and hopefully the whole year if I played my cards right.

I spoke too soon

When I got in the car to go home I was surprised to find Kyle already there smiling at me

"hey you wouldn't mind if I gave a friend a ride? He's going to hang out with me and Logan today"

I smiled "yeah sure"

"Thanks Alex" I heard a familiar voice say behind me "We haven't officially met yet. I'm Grant"

I gulped and turned to see Grant smling at me like he didn't have a care in the world. I nodded at him and turned back around.

Kyle gave me a wierd look and drove home. As soon as the car stopped I hastily said goodbye and went to my room. I heard the guys sitting in the living room, laughing and talking and I didn't dare go downstairs. The problem with trying to avoid Grant was that he was friends with Kyle and Logan.

I decided to see Sam, I went to his room and found him playing video games

"Want some company?" I asked him and he grinned at me 


I sat beside him and he handed me another controller as we played. A few moments later he looked at me

"hey Alex" he said and I smiled at him "Mom said you were having a baby but that i shouldn't mention it"

I chuckled "you can mention it honey it's okay and yes I'm having a baby" Seriously Susan could be really over-protective at times

"does hugging you hurt the baby?" he asked and I laughed and shook my head he stood up and hugged me. "I'm glad your giving me a baby sister"

I smiled Sam always could make me feel better at the worst of times. I pulled away and felt the familiar nausea in the pit of my stomach and went to the bathroom to puke my guts out...again. I seriously didn't understand the term morning sickness.

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