"We moved the rest of your stuff in your house and cleaned out your apartment and you will be sleeping here tonight" Gina says smiling

"Omg. Thank you guys so much" I say smiling

Cam and I hug them and we go inside. June, Jackson, Grace and John are sitting on the couch. I run and hug Grace. I pick her up. Cam picks John up

"Mommy missed you" I say to her

"I missed you too" Grace says

I put Grace on the couch and Cam hands me John. I kiss his cheek and he giggles. I put John back on Jackson's lap.

"Cam and I bought a gift for you all. Let me grab my suitcase" I say

I go to the car and I grab my suitcase. I go back inside and I go to my room. I lay the suitcase on the floor and I sit on the floor and open the suitcase. I grab the bag that has all the gifts in it. I take that bag and I go downstairs. I sit on on of the chairs while everyone else sits on the couch.

"Ok June here" I say handing her the wrapped present

"Wait until everyone gets there to open" I say

I hand out the rest of the wrapped ones and I hand Cam one

"What you got me one" Cam says

"Yes of course I did" I say smiling

They all open there presents

"Thank you" everyone says smiling

I open John's present for him and he smiles

"We better get going" June says

We hug them and they leave

"We better go too"Gina says

We hug them and they leave too.

"Ok let's these kids to bed" I say

"Ughh" Grace says

"I can put Grace to bed. If you do John" Cam says

"Ok" I say

I pick up John and he is already sleeping. I bring him upstairs. I change him into his sleeper and I put him in his crib. I turn on his nightlight that makes noise and I shut of his light and close the door slightly. I go to mine and Cam's room. I put all my clothes from my suitcase in the dirty hamper. Cam comes into the room with his suitcase. He puts all his clothes from his suitcase in the dirt hamper. I put all my bathroom stuff in the bathroom and I clean out the rest of my stuff. I zip up my suitcase and put it in the closet. I change into booty shorts and batman tank top. I put my hair in a high pony and I lay in the bed. Cam puts his suitcase in the closet and he takes off his shirt and his pants leaving his boxers on and he lays in the bed with me.

"Good night Mrs. Dallas" Cam says

"Good night Mr. Dallas" I say smiling

Cam shuts off the lamp and I plug my phone into the charger.

*the next morning*

I wake up and Cam is still sleeping. I go to John's room and he is awake and smiling

"Morning" I say smiling

I pick him up. I change his diaper and I bring him downstairs. Grace is on the couch watching TV. I put John in his high chair.

"I will make John's breakfast and then I will make you something too" I say to Grace

"Thanks mommy" Grace says

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