"It's not like you'd answer my call," he retorts, grabbing the bags from my hands. "What are you doing? Why are you grabbing my groceries?" I question, reaching out to grab them back.

"I'm helping," he holds them away from my reach. "Luke," I pout, with my arms crossed. "You're not getting them back until you tell me why I haven't heard from you in a day." My lips set in a firm line.

"You know, when a friend asks if you got home alright the polite thing to do is to let them know you haven't died." I roll my eyes. I don't have time for this.

"Don't you have to be somewhere else? Lunch date with your girlfriend or something?" I grumble. He narrows his eyes at me curiously and grows a slightly amused smile. "What?" I shrink under his gaze. "Nothing," he shrugs. "Then stop looking at me like that."

"Like what?" He chuckles. "Like...that," I gesture at his face. "I don't have lunch plans," he clarifies lightly. "What are you talking about? You just told my mom you did." "I didn't know if you'd want me to stay for lunch or not, it was just safer," he says nonchalant.

"Well make some because you're not invited to stay," I sniff. "Your choice," he shrugs. "But were you really not going to say goodbye?" My chest tightens. "Don't be so dramatic Lucas, it's not like we're never going to see each other again, I'm not moving halfway across the world."

It was meant to be a lighthearted tease but then it settles in. Luke doesn't actually live here in LA and even when he does live here it's only for a few weeks before he's off traveling all over. I guess I may have forgotten that factor in our friendship in my clouded-with-hurt mindset.

"Do you want to stay for lunch?" I mumble under my breath in annoyance. Of course I wasn't going to be able to carryout this cold shoulder.

Stupid Luke and his stupid job and his stupid face.

"I would love to," he grins widely, well aware he got his way.


"So. This is your bedroom huh?" Luke prompts for conversation, looking around the bedroom I spent most of my teenage years locked away in. He looks odd in here. Maybe because I'm not used to anyone other than my friends or mom being in here. Or maybe because I'd just seen his face in a magazine at the grocery store not even two hours ago.

"The one and only." I nod. "...well, actually, not the one and only. Because San Fransisco. But the one and only that I grew up in. Look, it even still has my initials carved in the bed."

I point at the embarrassing love initials hidden in a corner on the wooden headboard.

"Your last name starts with an S?" I realize then that I'd never actually told him my last name. "Nope." "What?" Luke asks in confusion. "The S is for Skywalker," I hum. He snorts out a laugh. "Are you using me for some weird fantasy because of my name? You do know my last name is Hemmings right?"

I roll my eyes. "Ha. Ha. It was actually Anakin not Luke so..." I send him a petty look. "Anakin?" "Yes. And I don't want to hear anything negative you have to say about it. He's the only boy I'll ever love."

"Bit dramatic," Luke chuckles. I shut the door in order to show him the large poster on the back. "I was a bit obsessed." "But he-" "Was great. I know." I cut him off. "You're so weird," he shakes his head with a fond smile. "If you think that's weird wait until you see the pictures of a goldfish funeral we held once."

Luke's wandering around the room now, looking at the different things I had hanging up and for some reason it makes me very self-aware. It's not like there's anything bad up but it was just personal things. Things I hadn't shared - nor did I ever think I would, with people outside of my two best friends and Kail.

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