Chapter 2 - Melonpan

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Lunch time came slowly, but Oka was grateful to escape P.E. Hiding behind her fringe, she scampered quickly to the rooftop, where she was seldom seen at lunch.

She felt exposed around everyone else, not used to being anywhere but the Occult club room for lunch; she sat on a bench by herself, unsure about eating anything. A few minutes passed, and Ayano was still not there. The loneliness was starting to get uncomfortable.

Finally, she turned up, a little bit flustered and rushed looking. Smoothing down her skirt, Ayano smiled, and sat down next to Oka.

"Um... h-hey... You wanted to... talk?" Oka murmured, still jittery. The sight of the choker around Ayano's neck made her a little happier.

"You're in P.E. with Osana, aren't you?" Ayano started, skipping straight to the point. Oka nodded meekly in reply.

"Do you like her?" She continued, leaning in a little. "Don't worry, you can trust me. I won't tell..."

Oka glanced down at her lap and shifted uncomfortably. Her new friend wouldn't lie, right? She's got a good reputation, after all...

"N-not really... I mean, s-she was never mean or... anything..." She stuttered, her cheeks flushing from the admittance.

"Why not?"

"W-well, we just... She... She's so t-talented... Everyone likes her." Oka fiddled with her hair, pulling it in front of her eyes and pressing her knees together.

"Don't worry. I don't like her either." Ayano smiled, leaning back away from Oka a little, and getting her lunch out of her bag. "Why aren't you eating?"

"I... I don't know, really..." She got her lunch out of her bag; it consisted entirely of melonpan. Since she had stayed up so late, she'd woken up late and hadn't had time to prepare anything for lunch, so she had just grabbed some melonpan and left the house.

Ayano watched Oka for a few seconds.

"You're shy, aren't you?" She asked bluntly, not even thinking about her wording or being careful. Oka stuttered, taken aback a little by the suddenness and bluntness of the question. Ayano smiled again.

"Don't worry. I'll help you fix that." She continued, munching on her own food.

The two sat in silence.

"Hey, Oka... You know Kokona?"

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