A taste of the real world (Ambrollins One-Shot)

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Hi everyone, this is just a one-shot I wrote last year about a suicidal Seth. Thought I'd upload it just in case someone wanted to read it. Hope you enjoy!

Seth still relived the moment that tore his entire life apart, every night. It haunted him whether he was asleep or awake. He couldn't get a break.

That split second of his life had ruined everything. It was the one thing he hated most about himself. He regretted every second of it.

Why did he have to ruin the only friendship that he had? Dean and Roman were his best friends and he just chucked that down the drain for what? Money? Power? Publicity? All of the above. Seth wasn't exactly thinking right at the time.

He had to get rid of them. They were distracting him from his fame. Especially Dean.

No matter how hard he tries to forget, that horrible moment is always replaying in the back of his mind. He cannot un-see the destruction that he caused.

Sometimes he hurt himself. When he cut himself the Devil escaped in the form of his blood. Every night he let a little more out. He hoped that by the end of the year the Devil would finally be released from his body. Then he could make everyone happy again.

Today was his birthday. He went to work. Got booed at by the crowd. Went to his hotel room. And then sliced his arm open.

No one had wished him a happy birthday. No one had even given him a smile. He was a waste of space and he knew it. 

At 12:05am someone knocked on his hotel door. He answered with worry. He didn't know who it was. His arm was still bleeding from his previous breakdown, but he covered it up by wrapping a blanket around his shoulders.

He was shocked to see who it was, at his door.

"Heya Seth, Happy birthday!" Dean cheered as he barged into the room.

"W-what are you doing here?" Seth asked, shocked.

"Well, I'm congratulating you on surviving another year as the world's biggest scumbag. That must be hard work."

"Have you just come here to insult me? Cause I don't think I can deal with that right now." Seth was hurt by what Dean had just said.

"Why are you so upset? Did mommy and daddy not buy you the car you wanted?" Dean pouted, mocking Seth's sadness.

"Shut up, Dean. Please leave, I'm not dealing with your crap tonight."

"Don't be sour, Sethie. It's your birthday! Now tell me, what presents did you get?" Dean asked with a grin on his face.

"Please leave." Seth whispered, struggling to hold back tears. He didn't want to be reminded of all the presents that he didn't get.

"Look Seth, I'm actually trying to be nice to you okay? You looked upset earlier and no one should be upset on their birthday." Dean sighed. "So, what did you get?"

"Nothing." Seth murmured. "Please can you go now?"

"Wait, what do you mean? You didn't get anything?" Dean was shocked. He knew Seth was un-liked by most people, but he didn't expect him to get no presents on his birthday. 

"No. I don't deserve anything anyway." The room was silent and then Seth burst into tears.

"I-I'm so- sorry." Seth cried into his hands.

"Whoa, calm down dude. That's in the past. You don't need to worry about that anymore." Dean tried to comfort him with words, but it didn't work. 

"H-how can I fo-forget about it, when it haunts me every single night?" Seth sobbed. "I don't deserve to be liked by anyone. I deserve all the pain I get."

A taste of the real world (Ambrollins One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now