"You sure?" I nodded convincingly and got on my knees pretending to beg. "Shove off!" she laughed and got up, pulling me up with her. "I'll be ready in 15 minutes".

"That's my girl!" I smacked her butt as she toddled off to get ready.


We got out of our private car and walked up to Provocateur, it was a very busy night and I could already hear the music pulsing throughout the club inside. The party was list only so I gave the man at the door my name, "Cassie Rosario?".

His eyes skimmed down the list until he landed on my name he looked up at Jordan, "Is this your plus one?"

"Yes" I said with a big smile, it was always best to get on security's good side.

"You two are VIP so you'll need a stamp to get into the section. Left hand please". We stuck out our hands and he stamped them each with a outline of a crown. He then opened up the red rope barrier and stepped aside ushering us into the club, "Have fun ladies".

"So what's this party for?" Jordan shouted over the loud music as we walked further into the party.

"I'm not sure to be honest! Being rich and famous?" we laughed. "Who cares really when the drinks are free?"

"Amen to that! Should we grab one before we head to the VIP section?"

I nodded and grabbed her hand as I pulled her through the crowd navigating us to the bar. "What do you want Jords?"

"A Manhattan thanks".

I waved the bartender over and ordered a Manhattan and a Long Island Tea. We chatted amongst each other whilst we waited, Jordan was quite excited over all the celebrities she was spotting, I just nodded and smiled pretending to care when really I didn't even like most of these people. Our drinks arrived and we cheered each other.

"So who's the guy you're introducing to me to?"

"Mike. He's a really funny and great guy. I used to go to NYU with him and now he works in the industry too, he's a photographer. He'll probably be in VIP too actually, we should head over". We gathered our bags and drinks and walked up the VIP section which was on its own level up a small flight of stairs overlooking the rest of the club. We flashed our hands to the security and passed them walking up the stairs. It was beautiful, a sensual deep purple light filled the room and similar colored velvet couches were filled with even more beautiful people. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling and the whole section was filled with a very carefree and light vibe. On the tables lay expensive liquor and drugs in plain sight, which didn't surprise me as celebrities could get away with almost anything.

"CASSIE! JORDAN! Over here!" We both turned our heads to see where the voice was coming from, my eyes landed on Lil' Kim waving and beckoning excitedly for us to come over. As we reached her she jumped up and gave us each a tight hug . "I'm so glad you guys are here. You two look fabulous!" she grabbed my hand and twirled Jordan around.

"You too Kim!" she really did, dressed in head to toe Chanel.

"Come sit, sit". She pulled us down onto the couch and we caught up over drinks for a while. "Jordan, Cassie tells me she has a guy for you. He is a real sweetheart. He's over there actually, Mike!" we laughed as she called him over like she had done to us earlier.

I stood up to greet him and whispered in his ear as I hugged him "This is Jordan, the girl I was talking to you about". He turned to look at Jordan and his eyes widened.

"Pleasure to meet you Jordan" he said shaking her hand. "Let me get you a drink" she just nodded and stood up with him. As she walked away she turned around to give me the thumbs up signal, her smile saying everything, I could practically see the sparks between them.

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