You and Nolan weren't exactly "quiet" tonight...were Todd and Drew just as vocal? Lane felt sick. The employees' rooms were off from the main rental rooms, but had someone ventured down those halls at just the right moment, they would have gotten an earful. Rodney was just the type to discreetly survey Lane and Todd for anything to throw Lane off his game during the race.

"Up to date," Todd said dryly, sliding around forward and resting his elbows on the bar. "You haven't said a fucking word that isn't steeped in bullshit. I'm not interested in hearing it."

If anyone could pull off a smart-ass chuckle, it was Rodney Castle. "Don't be so sure." He glanced down the bar and raised his hand, motioning for the bartender. Lane stiffened and felt Todd go rigid when Nolan's friend Drew headed their way. Rodney's stare passed over Nolan, lingering briefly, then shifted past Todd to Lane. "So, what's this I hear about a bet you made with the local queer boy?" The corner of his mouth jerked. "Rumor has it that if you lose, your ass is the prize." His eyes squinted with dark humor. "Let me plan to lose?"

"Fuck off," Lane hissed tightly. "You don't know shit about shit." He clammed up when Drew approached. Todd ducked his head and plucked at the paper label on his beer bottle.

"What can I get you?" Drew asked.

"A quick round of shots for me and my buddies." Rodney looked at the two men beside him. "They look like they could use a pick-me-up." He bumped Todd with his shoulder. "Especially this one."

Todd's head snapped up and he shot the guy a fierce look. "What the fuck do you mean by that?" His eyes jerked nervously toward Drew without meeting his stare directly.

"Nothing," Rodney smiled. "You just seem a bit...droopy." His lips pursed, and eyes squinted a bit more.

Oh fuck, Lane groaned inwardly, picking up on his insinuation. The increased tension in Todd told him his friend was picking up on it, too. How the fuck did he find out about that?

Todd's face twitched with the beginning of a snarl, which defused the instant Drew set up the shot glasses.

"Lizzy will be out in a moment," Drew told Rodney, his eyes guarded as he stared at the man. "A word to the wise?"

Rodney raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"Treat her with respect," he said low, a notable warning in his tone. "She's a good friend and an amazing girl. You hurt her in any way..." he shook his head, eyes hardening. "I might just take it personally."

Rodney stared at him in a silent battle of wills, then smiled. "How could you think I would ever disrespect or hurt an angel like Lizzy? Rest assured, she will return with a smile on her face."

Flattening his hands on the bar, Drew leaned on his arms and drilled Rodney with a chilled stare. "I don't like you," he murmured. "You fuck with fuck with me."

"Is that a request for a threesome?" Rodney shot a glance toward Nolan. "Saw you chatting with the fag boy, you one of his kind? Looking to get down my pants?"

Drew gazed at him dryly. "I wouldn't fuck you if you were the last man on earth. I have my standards."

Chuckling, Rodney quipped, "But apparently your little buddy doesn't—if he's looking to stuff his cock up Lane's ass."

Lane glared at him. "Go fuck yourself, Castle." Lane's heart pound, making it hard to breathe.

"You got a bet going with all the contestants?" Rodney leaned forward on his elbows, looked past Todd and grinned at Lane. "What do I get if I win? You gonna suck my cock?"

Slippery Slopes (Winterhaven Series - Vol. 1)Where stories live. Discover now