Anonymous Mortal 9

264 15 3

Title: Zombie Apocalypse Guidebook: How to Survive the First NightCharacter: A four-member group with heavy weapons and the zombie master. Genre: Humor Action Scifi Horror Theme: A dystopia (with zombies) manipulated by computer.Link: Explanation to your graphic: Let me tell you first the story behind that graphic. Four young adults named as John, Jean, June and Jen, have been so addicted to computer games and then, one night, they came to discover the new game called as "Zombitopia". But, Zombitopia is not just a computer game. It is different from what they thought about it. Zombitopia is a game in which you, the player, must enter into the computer game. You should be entering the world of Zombitopia and there's no turning back once you've entered the game. You'll be the character of the game as you'll be the player. Cool, isn't it? But, it is so perilous. You'll be the one to customize all of your weapons and others. And before you proceed to the next level, you should transcend the first night where you'll meet 'funny' zombies with 'snapchat' and other application features. ***So, yeah, I put the typography in that manner to magnify the humor genre (plus, the 'dog' thingy). By the way, the characters' presence there is their appearance in the game. How did you make you graphic: First, I'd searched for the images, textures and things that I'm going to use. I used Adobe PS CC in editing it. I put on the bg pic with the city and edit it. Next, is the four protagonists with their weapons. Then, the zombie. I put on the typography and add some effects (such as outer glow and drop shadow). Then, I put some effects (such as the cloudy thing) in the graphic, colorings (credits to Picanta in devianart) and the watermark of 'Bite Me'.

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