
"Yes! It was amazing. But then we got out and he asked me to chill with him and he got a bit defensive when I said I couldn't, so I left". Jordan smacked me on the forehead "Ow! What the hell was that for!" I rubbed my head.

"Because you're an idiot Cassie! Why did you leave? You just said you had amazing sex and you were super comfortable with him so you decide it's best to go? I bet you didn't even get his number".


"I knew it! Why do you always push people away like this Cassie? He was obviously into you too!"

I picked at my nails as I got a bit of a telling off "I don't know okay! It doesn't matter anyway, it was just a hookup and I'm not looking for a relationship at the moment. My career is going really well and I want to keep it that way, no distractions."

"But you can have both! I don't know why you can't see that it doesn't need to be one or the other. Don't come crying to me when you are all lonely because you ended something too early because you were scared.

"Trust me I won't." Jordan rolled her eyes at me. "You gonna get up and get ready for the meeting or what?" I said as I got out of the bed stretching my back and yawning.

Jordan turned over into the pillow and pulled the cover of her head. "Ten more minutes" she mumbled.

"Sorry what was that?" I said a little too loudly just to annoy her.

"TEN MINUTES" she shouted into her pillow.

"Okay. But you better get your lazy ass up!" I said as I left throwing a pillow at her head and laughing. She flipped me off and grumbled annoyed into her pillow.

Em's POV.

I woke to a constant, relentless knocking. Where the fuck is that noise coming from? I tried to ignore it and fall back asleep. "BANG BANG", this time it was much louder. "Em! Open the door!" My eyes shot open and I rubbed my eyes to get the sleep out of them. I winced as I sat up clutching my head as it pounded from last nights antics, even though the lights were turned off it felt way too bright. "EM! I really hope your alive in there. It would suck if you were dead."

"Ayo, hold on a fucking minute!" I yelled back at the noise. Crawling out of bed I looked around at the messy floor for some clothes to pull on. My eyes landed on a pair of black sweats and I put them on whilst I was headed to the door, hopping as I tried to get my legs through the holes. I looked through the peep hole to see Denaun and Proof laughing like two idiots and pulling faces at it. I swung open the door "Do you mind shutting the fuck up? It's too early for this shit."

They guys pushed past me to enter the suite and dived onto the couches. "Bro it's like 11.30 am" Denaun laughed as he stuck his feet on the coffee table.

Proof looked at me grinning like an fool "Rough night, man?"

"You could say that" I muttered as I walked to the kitchen searching for aspirin. Once I found them I swallowed the pills, flushed them down with water and joined the two on the couches. Sitting down I rested my arms on my knees with my head in my hands.

"So where did you fuck off to last night man?" Proof asked.

"Yeah usually you tell us when your bouncing. Was it cause of that fine chick we saw you dancing with?" Denaun said.

"Yeah" I smiled just thinking about her but quickly tried to hide it from the guys. I wasn't into all the mushy shit, and I knew they would give me shit for it.

"Did he just fucking smile?" Proof laughed with Denaun.

"I think he did! Bro you whipped already"

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