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I walked into the coffee shop, the same one I go to every single day, but today was different. Today I noticed a very attractive man working, and he was my waiter. My heart fluttered as he took my order and smiled at me. Once he finished with my order I gave him a small smile and sat down at my usual table. I was gazing out the window day dreaming when he brought me my coffee.

"Thank you." I smiled at him, taking it carefully and placing it on the table.

"Your welcome." He smiled back, turned and walked back to the counter.

I took a sip of the warm coffee and sat it down. I found myself gazing out the window once again, day dreaming, once again. That was, until my phone buzzed, causing me to check it and see that Ivey had texted me. I rolled my eyes, smiled and replied.

'Hey Carrie!'

'Hey Ivey!'

'What are you up to today?'

'Not much, just got off of work. Now I'm getting coffee, you? ;))'

'Not much really, hanging out with Mark :)'

'Ooh, how are y'all?'

'Were good :)'

'That's good :))'

I felt a tap on my shoulder so I sat my phone down. When I turned around I saw the same man that took my order and brought me my coffee. His blue eyes sparkled and his smile was beautiful. I smiled at him before speaking.

"Hi." I smiled, putting my coffee and phone down before looking at him again.

"H-hi, I was wondering if uh- you would like to have dinner with me some time? I'm Mike by the way.." He said softly, he seemed nervous, and I found it cute.

"I would love to Mike, I'm Carrie by the way." I smiled. I wasn't gonna turn him down. He was to cute to turn down ever.

"Really?" He asked smiling brightly, his eyes meeting mine again. His eyes are beautiful, so very beautiful.

"Really." I smiled. "Why don't we get to know each other a little before we go to dinner though?" I asked. For some reason I was drawn to him, wanted to know more about him, see him everyday. I don't know why but I was.

"That sounds amazing, Carrie." He smiled. "Here, I'll give you my number." He said pulling a piece of paper out and scribbling his number down before handing it to me.

"Thank you Mike." I smiled, tucking the paper into my back pocket and looking back up at him.

"I have to get back to work.. I'll see you soon." He smiled, backing away slowly but still looking at me.

"Bye Mike, I'll talk to you later." I smiled, waving slightly and standing up. I walked out of the small coffee shop and down the road towards my house.


When I got home I was greeted by a very happy Ace. He jumped up on my legs barking happily. I smiled and bent down to my small dogs height.

"Hey baby boy!" I greeted in my sing-song voice while I petted him. I was always like this, I love animals.

He whined and I smiled before filling his water and food bowls. After I did I sat down on the couch and put Mike's number in my phone before sending him a text.

'Hey Mike! It's Carrie!'

'Hey Carrie! How are you? :)'

'I'm great! You? ;)'

'Amazing! How was the rest of your day?'

'It was pretty good.. Yours?'

'It was okay, would you like to get together tomorrow and get to know each other better?'

'I would love to, when and where?'

'Whenever you want and that's a surprise.'

'How about noon tomorrow? And I hate surprises :'('

'That sounds good, and your gonna have to deal with it. :)'

'Fineee.. Good night Mike :)'

'Good night Carrie :)'

I smiled after reading the last text. I walked upstairs and got pajamas. I got into the shower and washed up quickly. Once I was out I got dressed, brushed my hair and went to bed.

A/N- Hello loves:)

So here's the first official chapter.

I might have slow updates, I'm very sorry guys.

I run another account that I post stories on, so..

Anyways, I'm sorry for the bad chapter. It'll get better I promise :)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2016 ⏰

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