Chapter 8

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Yesterday was very fun and exciting. I chilled with Omari. He was different from what I expected.

"Chill!" Kamaria shouted as he tickled her. She punched him in the arm, and that obviously didn't sit well with him. "Nawl, apologize first." he stated as he continued his torture on Kamaria's sides.
Tears slipped out as she giggled uncontrollably. "Okay! Okay! I'm sorry!! Stopppp!" She dragged out. After a few words back and forth, they turned their attention back to the tv in front of them. They cuddled up under one of the blankets Omari got from his mom's room, and don't get the wrong idea the cuddling was strictly pg, not even pg-13. One of the best movies ever, Hardball, was displayed on the screen. Kamaria had never seen it, so Omari decided to put it in.

They burst into laughter at the boys on the screen.

You suck. Just like my girlfriend." they said in unison.

They're laughter died down as they turned their attention back on the movie once again.
Omari's hand carressed Kamaria's shoulder as his eyes locked to the tv.
Kamaria gazed up at him; he was looking straight ahead, dimple on display and all.

1 Hour Later

Kamaria wiped her tears as Omari took the tape out of the vcr.
"Good movie, huh?" Kamaria let out a slight chuckle before responding.
"Yeah, one of the best I've ever seen to be honest."

"You ready to go?" he asked staring down on her.

"Yeah, I'm ready."

Omari pulled up to Kamaria's house. She looked at her house through the window for a while before opening the door. Just as she was about to climb out, she turned to him. "Thanks for the good time." she smiled.

"No problem, beautiful." he said with a wink.

She laughed as she attempted to get out of the car once again, but once again she was summoned back.

Omari gently pulled her towards him and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight, ma."

"Goodnight, Omari."

Kamaria smiled to herself as she made it to her front door. She unlocked and pushed open the door.

"Kam, what you think you doin' coming in this house at this time of night?" Kamaria's mom asked from the bottom of the staircase.

Kamaria glanced down at her phone that read twelve o'clock.

Kamaria was completely unaware of the time. "I'm so sorry, mama. I lost track of time."

"You need to get it together, booba. Too old to be this irresponsible." her mother scolded.

"Yes ma'am." Kamaria simply stated.

"But anyway how was your hangout with that boy." she asked as she sat down on the steps.

Kamaria walked over to accompany her. "It was good," she started, "he was different from what I expected. He was.......... a gentleman."

"Well that's good." she said, playing in her daughter's hair.

"Yeah, I guess so."

Kamaria rested her head on her hand.

"You should get to bed, baby." her mom said, patting her back as she got up.


She followed her mom up the steps to their rooms. They exchanged good night's and love you's.

Kamaria stripped out of her clothes and into her sleep clothes. She laid in the bed, reminiscing on her "date" with Omari. She came to the conclusion that he was cool person to be around, but she failed to admit that she was slightly crushing. She closed her eyes, allowing them to rest as she slipped into a comfortable sleep.

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