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It was raining. I remember that. She was running, sounds of howls and barks sounded behind us. Terrified she began to run faster, ignoring my questions which consisted with many 'whys' for if you didn't know a pups vocabulary is limited when your only 4 moons old.

My mother, from what I remember,  was running, she carried me by my nape, her white-black patched fur soaked and her blue colored optics widened as she ran through the forest slipping on the muddy forest floor. My body was fairly small so that helped but she nearly dropped me going down a slope. For my fur was drenched even more as a blast of lightning flashed across the sky. Rather majestically, as the paw steps behind us drew more near, she leapt over a pine tree that blocked are path but her land caused her to sprang her paw as she landed on another slope and we both slide down howling in fear. She managed to keep my nape in her jaw but she wouldn't be able to run much longer. In a hurry she dashed to a bush pressed against a tree dropping me in. I remembered looking at her terrified face and wondering so much for I just didn't understand.

"Don't make a noise," she sniffed the air, "Insurgent territory hmm..?" she spoke the word gently as if considering her choices despise the lack of time. "Don't move, don't you dare leave this spot." I wasn't sure if it was the rain or not but it was a moment of pure sadness, when you show all your love to someone for the last time.

"Your going to stay here right?" I looked at her confused my ears a little laid back but wondering.

"I am but if I don't-" she hesitated. "I love you, trust me when I say I am always going to be with you, never forget that, make me proud," She lapped me on the top of my apex, at that moment she could hear a bark and she dashed off.

The forest was loud with the sound of rain, the bush offered little protection and I was terrified as I heard a cry from my mother and the barking change into howls of glory, then the forest went silent. Now there was just rain. I was soaked. It was dark. I was terrified. Never in all my life had I felt so extremely alone and lost. Cold, wet, lost, confused keep in mind i had never left the nursery before this except to play with the other pups outside the nursery entrance. I didn't understand anything I was seeing. And there I sat, frozen to death for the rest of the night.

Luna's storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang