Seeing Double

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Seeing Double:

She did not come all this way to let a Xephos wannabe check her out and then kill her, no sir.

Besides, she left her owls under Nilesy's care...

The poor things will need her!


It had been a month, and still no reply.

She had been communicating with Xephos for the past few months using letters and her messenger owl, Sammy, had yet to return with his response.

He was a workaholic, that wasn't new information, but she still worried about him from time to time and with no communication for the past month, she was starting to worry that maybe he was getting too deep into the lab projects he had told her about; something about robotic and clone experiments.

She had written to Honeydew sometime ago to see if he'd be able to get ahold of Xephos, but he too was prevented, as the testificate at the lab refused to let him in for the past week and a half. Honeydew has thrown a fit, only to be lead out at gun point from the facilities.

So, today, Lomadia was going to be brave (and maybe a bit stupid) and attempt to brake into the lab.

Because her spaceman was probably going a bit crazy and, god forbid, accidentally locked himself in one of his very own cells.

Lomadia had finished packing her gear and had left her island before the sun had risen early that morning, leaving behind a “To do” list for Nilesy with instructions about caring for her owls.

The air was cold and fresh against her face as she used her flying ring to travel the distance to the lab, and although she tried to dismiss it, she was genuinely concerned about her plan; it wasn't as well thought out as she hoped, but she supposed that when you had love-... or whatever she and Xeph had, one might have a tendency to not things through carefully enough.

After a fair amount of time, she landed just outside the perimeter of the lab. She crouched behind a bush and shifted her eyes around, looking for the dwarf she had planned to meet here. She was about to look elsewhere when the ground beneath her feet started to move, causing her to jump back several feet, only to see a head and face full of red hair pop out of the hole in the ground. The dwarf fixes his helmet and scratches his beard, taking a moment to look around before finally resting his eyes on Lomadia. His eyes flash in recognition and a smile stretches across his rosy face,

“There 'yer are, Lom! I was wonderin where I'd bloody find 'ya!”

Her eyes widen and she shushes him, reminding him that they were trying to be covert about this mission. Honeydew huffs but lowers his voice,

“Alright Lass, what next?”

Lomadia wrings her hands together and explains her mediocre plan to the dwarf, half expecting him to laugh at some point, but he is surprisingly attentive, throwing in suggestions every now and then. At the end of their makeshift meeting, he smirks and swings his axe around before pointing it at the entrance to the lab, yelling

“Ya hear that mate? We're coming to rescue 'yer arse! I always told ya you were a damsel in distress!”

He lets out a booming battle cry before barreling through the last bit of trees concealing them. Lomadia is left to smack her forehead with her palm at his theatrics, at least he was putting in 110 percent into his job as the distraction.

Honeydew had told her about another way in near a lava pool. There, he had stated, would be an iron trap door with a passcode lock. It was supposed to be an emergency exit, but it was long forgotten, as it was made when the lab was only just being built and it would lead to an abandoned part of the facility. He had given her a crude map that would lead her to the most likely place that Xephos would be, but there was no guarantee, she would be on her own unless Honeydew made it past the guards. After double checking on the plan, he had merely patted her shoulder and said

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