Chapter 9

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Author Note: just listen to this song while reading it doesn't fit the story line but it something you can listen to at least.

Henry POV: 

Being back in Storybrooke was okay i guess i mean i did miss my sister and My adopted mother oh and i met a girl her name is Taylor she is amazing we kissed and everything my Birth Mother doesn't know that i have a girlfriend i only want my sister to be that first person to now as we were walking the shores Taylor tapped me on the shoulder

"Henry is that a boat in the middle of the ocean"she said pointing to the Boat that was coming toward the shores i looked closely at the boat and saw Mr Gold and My Adopted Mother but where's Scarlet and most importantly why are they here

"Yes is a boat but don't worry the people on the boat are friendly my Adopted Mum is on there"i said walking towards the shore bit where they will dock i hope Scarlet is on it i want to see her.

Scarlet's POV: 

I was awakened by Felix and Devin shaking me and looking at me with concern and worry looks.

"Why are you staring at me like that"I ask Felix and Devin as they both look at each other then back at me helping me up 

"You were screaming in your sleep"Felix Said 

"Wait till Pan hears about this"I hear Devin say and i immediately Run out of the room we were in, and ran up deck to find Henry Holding a girl hand speaking to Regina and Mr Gold i also see My birth Mother and my Grand Parents coming on to the boat along with the Dwarfs they are so cute and i love them and they love me 

"HENRY" I Scream to he could hear me as i shouted everyone looks at me smiling which made Henry run over to me and hug me so tight this time i could breathe

"Scarlet i can't believe it your here but why not that i'm not happy to see you i am just why"i pulled away from the hug and saw Grumpy coming over to us and standing beside Henry

"Glad to see you again sister we missed you"Grumpy Said looking at me smiling then looking behind me and seeing Felix and Devin which made Henry have a Confused look on both of their faces

"They are here to Protect me make sure nothing happens to me while i'm here Pan's orders" as i walked over to My adopted Mother and her

"Hey Honey did you have a good sleep"My Adopted mother said to me putting her arm around me i smiled as she did that

"I Did until Felix and Devin woke me up shaking me Mum"I said to her and the look on Emma's face she was jealous that i called someone else mom instead of her she lost that title the minute she became a bitch to me

"Scarlet" i looked behind Emma and saw my Grand parents standing there with their arms opened wide for me to run into them which i did i missed them so much

"We missed you my favorite Grand daughter is back" David said holding me close to him and his wife 

"I'm your only Grand daughter Grandpa"i said back which made him and my grandma laugh we pulled away and walked off the boat i had Felix and Devin hot on my tail following me to my Adopted Mother's house to get stuff for Neverland 

At Regina's House 

With Regina, Henry, Emma, Felix, Devin, Mary Margret and her husband David Nolan and me of course.

I went upstairs to my room with Felix and Devin still on my tail i didn't need to get changed as i was wearing the same stuff i had on from this morning as we walked in i noticed everything was still in the same place i got a bag out from my closet and put some of my baby stuff into it like my baby grows, bottles, nappies, my hair brush, shampoo and conditioner, my note book, some pens and pencil, my drawing book, i know i don't know the sex yet but i'm still taking some of my Baby stuff just in case, i looked at Felix and Devin who were looking around my room not really paying attention to what i was doing now's my chance to out smart them.

I grabbed my bag and quietly walked down the stairs and out of the front door and ran to the boat but when i got there i saw Mr Gold was already there with a bag waiting for us, he looked over at me and smiled i smiled back as i walked over to him and stood beside him looking at the boat.

"Where's Felix and Devin Love" he says smirking

"I left them at My house they weren't paying attention so i escaped from them" i said as he looked at me putting his hand in front of him

"Ladies First"Aw what a gentleman

"Why thank you kind sir"i said in a British accent making him laugh as we both board the boat we both got talking about the baby and Belle and Peter he told me about his past and what he did to Peter and he regrets giving Peter up which i understand i mean Emma didn't love me because i look like my father a lot god i can't wait to get back to Neverland.

Devin POV: 

"Scarlet you done packing"i turned around to find her standing there but she wasn't which me and Felix worried and scared if anything happened to her Pan would kill us we have to find her both me and Felix ran down the stairs and saw Regina, Henry and Emma looking at us i'm guessing the grand parents left

"Boys where's Scarlet" we heard her Adopted mother say shit what do we say

"She left we were helping her gather some stuff and when we weren't looking she escaped"Felix said 

we all walked outside and that's when me and Felix ran for the boat we knew that's where she would be as we got there we were right she was standing on the boat with Mr Gold laughing and Speaking to him we went onto the boat and walked over to her and hugged her and she hugged back

"Don't do that again we thought something has happened to you" i said to her while pulling away as Felix did the same

"I'm sorry i was bored and i just want to get out of here already lot of memories here and some of them i don't want to remember"i hear her say but Pan needs to know about her screaming maybe he can get out of her why she was screaming

Scarlet's POV: 

I put my bag below deck on my bed and layed down on it closing my eyes then i heard the door opening i thought it was Felix and Devin but the person wore Heels which made open my eyes and sit up and i was shocked to find who it was.



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