2: Bury

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"It's less like biting off more than you chew, and more like dislocating your jaw." – Shitty Horoscopes Book VI: After the Fall

Dire Wolf.

Canius Dirus.

The Fearsome Dog.

While Cady really hadn't wanted to show it on her face—there was such as thing as an interview poker face, right? But goddamn it if they didn't already know they had hooked her with that single question. She knew what the Dire Wolf was, the Gray Wolf's ancestor that were by far, deadlier and larger than its present day descendent. She'd held a skull once, when she'd been an undergrad, that was larger than both her hands cupped, with teeth able to grind bones into powder.

Well, everything was coming together now; it all made sense why they had gone through all the trouble of finding her, and tracking her down in the middle of nowhere Washington. Why they were interested in her work, and her view on things, and yet...

"How?" Cady all but demanded, going for the throat of the conversation. "There's never been enough intact DNA to resurrect the Wolf."

"That may have been true a few years ago," Claire admitted, trying to regain control of the conversation. "That isn't the case now, the technology is more advanced, and as you can tell, we here at Jurassic World are the experts. Our DNA Excavators have discovered soft tissue samples frozen deep in Canadian glaciers, enough for a near full DNA strain."

Cady's brow furrowed at hearing the phrase 'near full,' if she came armed with alarm bells they'd probably be ringing. How had Dr. Grant phrased In-Gen's work? Genetically altered theme park monsters?

"Near full? Then what would mix in to make it seem complete? The Grey Wolf, or what, some part of a domesticated dog like the Great Dane?"

"I'm afraid that information would be classified," Dr. Wu answered, though Cady was sure he didn't sound very upset, rather bored actually.

"But you want me to climb into a paddock with them and work with them?" Cady looked at both the Doctor and Claire incredulously. Were they insane? "Without knowing exactly what I'll be dealing with?"

"Safety, Miss Starc," Claire's answered as if speaking to a particularly slow toddler, "of our employees is one of our main priorities here at Jurassic World. We've gone 258 days without an incident of any kind, ranging from non-life threating—such as an asset entering a non-designated area—to violent, which I'm sure you understand what thing could entail."

Cady all but bristled at the woman's tone, her tongue running along the front of her upper teeth in agitation. As if sensing the tension, Claire continued, her tone a bit softer, a bit more saleswoman, slightly 'let me show what's behind the curtain'.

"FENRIR would be first and foremost a research program before a park attraction, though that is the end game for the assets. However, before we move on to being open to the public, we need to ensure a baseline for behavior and conditioning," She clarified. "We already have behavioral program undergoing at the moment with another asset, which has incurred minimal incidents. In fact, it's probably one of the safest paddocks in the facility."

As if sensing the elephant in the room, Dr. Wu spoke one word: "Velociraptors."

Dires would just be over grown pups then.

"Now, if we've sufficiently explained the project, I'm sure Dr. Wu has more pressing matters to attend to in the labs,"—Cady definitely felt like they hadn't as she watched the Doctor leave the conference room but what else could she do?—"We need to talk about legalities beyond what you've signed. That type of conversation depends on whether or not you accept the position, Miss Starc."

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