Making her mine

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My knuckles turned white because of the grip of hard table, as i sat in class room watching aryaman flirting with my girlfriend. I know they were discussing about the chemistry project, but i feel pissed and angry when she smiled to him, giggle for him. She was so indulge in the discussion she didn't even realise when she dropped the pen down, he picked it up and gave back to her. He held her hand, she smiled and pulled away. I looked again she was laughing with him, it was like she really doesn't give shit about my presence.

"These two look cute with each other "i heard girls commenting and giggling about them.

I couldn't ignore the pang of jealousy come with the thought of this two being together. He's nothing like me or probably I've nothing like him, doesn't matter. I fight the urge to tackle him to the ground, it won't hurt much but she'll surely kill me. Urghh i don't know what to do just than bell rang and everyone left the class including her of course with him !

After 3 hours i found myself waiting for her, as i reached early on our secret place . I shook my head and clenched my jaw, taking a deep breath, obviously trying to calm myself down. Because i was still pissed off on her, And my blood was boiling in my veins. I don't get it why the hell she is not ready to tell someone about us, she still have doubt on me ? Its been three months.

"Hey manik, how was your day"her voice broke my thoughts.

"Nothing much, and thanks for coming finally you got the time for me"i sigh

"I'm sorry i know i was busy "

"Yeah with him "i harshly remark.She snuggled against my chest, wrapping her arms on my neck.

"Are you okay"she asked softly

"Yeah "i lied

"You don't look okay, something is wrong i can see it "she doesn't see any damn thing going in my mind, this secret relationship is in my nerves, she really doesn't know how i am controlling.

"Don't you think we should tell everyone about us, than we don't have to meet like this "

"You know I've told you everything, haven't i ?" As soon as the words leave her lips, anger swells in my chest.

"Fine than don't "i groan

"Manik what's wrong ?" Her voice was calm, unlike me. I was pissed the hell off.

"Nothing, i don't want to talk about it, just go okay with him"i don't want to hear her another excuse for not telling everyone about us.

"You're not telling me exactly, what is wrong with you, tell me i want to know"i turn towards her, worried lines covers her forehead.

"Why you don't want anyone to know about us"

"You know the reason we both are not sure whatever we have right, that's what you told me "she fire back

"You're not sure about me ? You like aryaman more right?"i was confused, hurt and angry, what she want from me.

"Its not...not like that "her voice broke.

"You don't want them to know, because you're ashamed of me. As i have the bad boy tag on me and it'll ruin your image as well. He is so perfect for you than why are you messing with me ? You should go with him, I'm not the one you like or want to be "she step back from me as my words hit her hard, her eyes widen and begin to water, tears came out from her eyes. i want to take them back i didn't mean to not in this way.

"That's what you think about me, that's not the truth damn it i wanted you to be sure because i was, forget it i don't give shit "she said, shit no its not like that. I didn't mean to

Making Her Mine Manan Os Where stories live. Discover now