As I was driving home, I grabbed a Supreme on the way. I stuffed it down my purse, when I arrived at my house. I noticed a strange smell, the smell of something on FIRE! I rushed into the house, seeing my mom, trying to turn off the flames. I came to the rescue, when I doused it with the fire extinguisher. Bad luck again?!

That same day, I walked over to Emily's house, just to remember. No, she didn't die, but fell into a coma. 

I finished my walk, ending back at the origin, my house. I rushed up the stairs, hoping Mom or Chris wouldn't hear me. Unluckily, they did ... and called me down for dinner.. Technically, it was just lasagna and garlic bread, which seemed to be Chris' favorites. 

"I have to go ... finish ... homework." I rushed upstairs and opened up my laptop, a new one that Jack bought me for my birthday. It was a gorgeous silver color. 

I pulled out my phone, reading a text from school.

(School): No school tomorrow. Theatre classroom caught on fire. 

Oh my gosh, the only class I actually like is burnt. The wooden desk where I first saw Jack, sketching a hand, with some writing on it. That kiss I got told off by the teacher about. So many memories, all burnt. Just my bad luck!

I finished my homework, when I heard the doorbell violently ring about 10,000 times (exaggerating). The door was opened, by probably my mother. In the doorway, was Jack, showing his text from school. My mom pointed up the stairs and I could hear his footsteps, before he reached me. 

"Did you get this?" He asked, plopping down on the couch. I laid on his lap, smiling up at him.

"Yes it must be ..." I said, when Jack also started to speak.

"My bad luck, from hearing that spell." We muttered at the same time, causing our eyes to go wide-eyed. We both heard the spell.

"Here, I wanna show you something." I brought him over to the window. There, just past the trees and the fine blue houses, was a little lake called Sapphire Lake. It was so clear, all the fish and their scales could be seen gracefully swimming at any point around the lake. I used to go there, when I was young, when Mommy and Daddy were not fighting. 

"So, when did the bad things start kicking in?" He asked, pushing my hair from in front to behind my shoulder. I cracked a smile, and started to speak.

"Right before Emily's coma accident." I let a tear slip out from under my eyelid, and Jack brushed it into my skin, so it wouldn't fall on the floor. 

"I promise, we'll figure this out." He looked me in the eyes. And just like in Peter Pan with Jeremy Sumpter, I turned pink right after he kissed. No, I can't fly though. I smiled, just when Jack had to leave. We hugged goodbye and winked, sending my mom up into a tissy about "teens" and I think "vampires". I just laughed and danced up to my room. I did the splits once and then hopped in my bed, just closing my delicate eyelids. 

The next day was pretty much, as if I could sum it up in one very delicate word, spectacular. There was no "Oh my gosh, I almost hit a tree!" or "Help! A pot falling just hit my best friends.". Just a normal day at a very un-normal high school with a creepy principal, joined with a group, planning to take over the entire freaking world. Yeah, I suggest the word normal. I opened my car door, set my foot with a white wedge shoe on the very dark street. I smiled, grabbed my backpack, and kicked the car into park. I was ready. As I headed up to the Theatre classroom, I saw a cute guy, looking at me, strangely with an eerie glance. I quickened my pace to a fast-walk, and before I knew it, there was Jack, sitting in his seat, twirling his pencil. I ran to behind him, and covered his eyes. 

"Now well who could this be? It is definitely not Alex," He took my hands off his eyes, and pulled me around to the chair. We kissed and had a normal class, which is pretty weird for us. The rest of the day was finished in a blink of an eye, and I was walking out the front doors of the school, with my head held high. I walked to the location of my car, and hopped into the Convertible I got for my birthday.

As I was driving, I noticed that Ice Cream Princess was having half price on all shakes and ice cream. I drove over and bought about 10 containers of yummy Oreo Cookie Dough Supreme. I cruised home, which is about 5 minutes from Ice Cream Princess. I rushed upstairs and placed the ice cream in my freezer. Then, I retrieved my snack size one from my purse, and completed my homework. My mom called me down for dinner, right after completion of my snack. I hurried down the stairs to see three foldable tables, all stationed in front of the TV. My mom turned around, probably hearing my footsteps echoing down the stairs.

"Hey! During dinner, we get to see the advanced copy of Chris' new movie?" She said, holding up the case. Chris turned also, smiling his perfect godly teeth smile. 

"AVENGERS!!!" I screeched, seeing my mother and Chris putting their fingers in their ears. I ran and jumped onto my swirling comfy chair. 

"Guessing you're a fan?!" Chris chuckled, making me grin a mouthful of broccoli and salmon. Chris and Mom exchanged a glance, then broke into laughter. After I saw, I laughed to. I swallowed as my mom popped in my new favorite movie of all time. 

Bad Luck JulietOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora