chapter 30

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I raised an eyebrow "no mader I'm still going to beat you now Dragonite come on out" Luke said "crap" I whispered "now hyper beam and finish that Lapras" Luke said laughing "Lapras" I called but it was to late and she was hit knocking her unconscious "you did wonderful Lapras take a good rest" I said returning Lapras to her pokeball then I grabbed another pokeball "come on give up you can't beat my Dragonite I beat you don't even have a dragon type" Luke sneered I smirked and Dawn laughed and Paul smirked "oh really Salamence let's show him how wrong he is" I said releasing Salamence. "What how your weak" Luke said this made Salamence growl "never judge a book by its cover and my friend here is not liking you dogging me out" I said and Salamence and Mightyena growled in agreement "yeah go Salamence you can do it" Dawn yelled. Dawn cheering made him perk up and Mightyena started to bark in laughter and I giggled "Dragonite use fire punch" Luke said. Dragonite moved forward really fast but his attack was stopped by Salamence dragon pulse hitting him out of no were. "Now Salamence uses dragon tail" I said "counter Aqua tail" Luke said quickly Salamence jumped up into the air and his tail started to glow purple and he rushed to Dragonite. Dragonite tail started to have water surround it as he rushed forward "dodge that tail then hit him" I said and Salamence nodded. Just as Dragonite tail came down Salamence moved out of the way the aimed his glowing tail at Dragonite hitting it in the back knocking it to the ground. Dragonite slowly started to get up "good Dragonite now use hyper beam" Luke said confidently "use dragon pulse then flamethrower" I said. Dragonite shot a white light right to Salamence but he shot hit greenish pulse stopping the hyper beam cold then fired a flamethrower hitting Dragonite finished him off. "Ugh Dragonite return" Luke said then he throw about another pokeball and an Aggron appeared this made Mightyena growl and I frowned "oh no not that pokemon" Dawn whisper not loud enough for my opponent to hear but for me I look at Salamence who growled knowing what happened only a few days ago still made him mad "Salamence come lay behind me this one is Mightyena" I said recalling him. Paul looked at me with a questionable look but know why I did that because of my past with this pokemon. Salamence reluctantly layed down behind me but growled out in warning the Aggron and the Aggron then reared back in anger. Mightyena growl moved onto the field and Luke started laughing "really your sending that thing against my Aggron really you really are pathetic" Luke laugh. "Mightyena let's show him what your really made of" I growled and Mightyena growled with me "now start of with a shadow ball" I called suddenly Mightyena growl shot forward shooting a shadow ball at Aggron hit it in the stomach pushing it back "Aggron hyper beam" Luke said. "Dodge with extremespeed" I said Aggron shot a hyper beam right at Mightyena but Mightyena was to fast and started to run around Aggron "now shadow claw" I said suddenly Mightyena launched forward catching Aggron off guard pushing him back with power "how could a little pokemon have so much power" Luke said shocked and this made me mad "because it's not the size of the pokemon it's the heart no matter the size if the pokemon. Even the littlest pokemon could be as strong as a Dragonite I learned that from my brother and another trainer and my pokemon. Mightyena let's show him what I mean use flash cannon" I called narrowing my eyes Dawn was jumping up and down In excitement and Paul just shook his head knowing I was fired up. "What how that's a steel type move" Luke said shocked "Aggron move out of the way" Luke called but his pokemon could not move after using a hyper beam attack and the flash cannon hit died on in the stomach knock the Aggron unconscious as he hit a tree. Mightyena ran to me and jumped on me knocking me to the ground and started to lick my face as Luke returned his third pokemon "Mightyena stop the battle is not over" I said laughing trying to get him off of me. Finally he let me up and I saw Luke had a new pokemon on the field and it was a Jolteon "if your right then this pokemon should battle good" Luke whispered I looked down at Mightyena stop and he nodded "this is the last round do you what to finish this I don't what to hurt that Jolteon I can see the connection you both have" I said "yes I haven't battle with it for awhile" he said and I nodded "Turtwig let's do this" I said looking down at my new pokemon. He nodded his head and walked onto the field "Jolteon use thunderbolt" Luke called "Turtwig dodge the use leaf storm" I said. A yellow bolt of lighting was shot but Turtwig moved so fast that it did not touch him then made a storm full of leaves and throw it at Jolteon but the Jolteon moved out of th way. "Jolteon tackle Turtwig" Luke said "razor leaf" I called but he was hit by the tackle knocking him to the ground. Turtwig slowly got up the throw two leave at the Jolteon hitting it sending it flying but it quickly got up "use thunderbolt" Luke said and before I could say anything it hit and when the smoke cleared Turtwig was on the ground burnt from the thunder but slowly got up I ran to the field "Turtwig you were wonderful now return" I said returning the tired Turtwig. I then walked back to my spot " "Mightyena finish this" I said Mightyena ran onto the field "now shadow ball" I called Mightyena ran shot a shadow ball at the Jolteon but it dodge "Jolteon poison sting" Luke called. "Mightyena dodge then use iron tail" I called. Mightyena jumped back avoiding the poison sting then jump up into the air and came down with a glowing white tail hitting the Jolteon knocking it unconscious "Jolteon no" Luke said. "Battle over and Hannah wins the match" Paul said then he walked over to Dawn I then turned my head acting like I didn't see anything. I binded down and petted Mightyena head "feel better now knowing that you took down that Aggron" I asked and he nodded "I'm glad and you did perfect as always my friend" I said petting him more. He started growling in pleasure and I smiled until I saw shoes in my vision and I looked up and saw Luke looking down at me so I stood up " ok I'll admit you were really good but I do have a question how is your Mightyena so strong it could have beaten all my pokemon except Dragonite" Luke asked "oh see I've had Mightyena since he was a Poochyena when I was a kid" I said "I see well I mistaken that Turtwig please tell it I'm sorry for all the things I've done to it" Luke said "I will" I said smiling. The sun started to set and I looked at the sky "its to late to travel in the woods at night. And it gets dangerous here at night I think you guys should camp with me I don't mind since I respect you guys" Luke said then turned to Dawn "well most she looked a little annoying" Luke said "I would not have said that" I groaned facepalming myself just as Paul faced Luke "I don't care what you say about me but Dawn is not annoying and if you speck any less of her you well be battling me kid" Paul growled making Dawn laugh and I groaned more. "We would love to stay Luke but we don't have our bags" Dawn said looking at Piplup. "I'll go get them Dawn me and Mightyena" I said walking over to her then put my head to her ear "you know wolf thing" I whispered "right but please be careful I don't feel like bandaging you tonight" Dawn joked and I giggled knowing she was just playing. I then walked to the woods and after I was covered by the trees I shifted then Mightyena walked in I nodded my head and he started running and I followed all the way to the camp site.

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