page twenty one.

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"You're clingy"
No, I find it rude and I feel bad when I see people reply and most of the time I can't just not reply to it, and if I spam you it's because I care for that person a lot :--) so if that makes me clingy and a bad person I'm clINGY ASF

"You're annoying"
Yeah tbh I am sometimes but I'm a sophmore and I'm still learning  I cringe at myself a lot lmao but I'm very lucky and have people who understand my annoying self and I rant a lot and talk about my boyfriend a lot (if I do talk about him too much please remind me I'll tone it down x10000)  :--)

"Brad's gonna break up with you, he hardly talks to you"
Brad's an extremely busy person and I understand he's very sweet and very much out of my league I'm very comfortable with our relationship, he knows I'm there for him. Even if he does break up with me I'll try and fight always to keep us together because I love him very much and if it doesn't work out I'll always cherish our time together. We're also engaged which I don't talk about much because I get enough hate, which means he's made a commitment just like I have to him :)

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