Part II

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I woke up naked. I felt earth against my entire body. There was wind. There was noise. I looked up and saw blue sky. I looked around me and saw beautiful, green land. I

was alone. I tried to speak but only grunted.

"Hey there, "God said.

I turned to His voice.

He was biracial, standing there in a t-shirt, blue jeans, and flip flops. "You cool?"

I grunted again but then found some words, "Yeah. I think so." I cleared my throat. Something was in the back of it so I collected it and spit hard against the ground.

Again, I stood there naked. But I wasn't ashamed. "What happened?" "Everything and nothing." He said and He scratched his head.

"Thanks for the straight answer."

"Don't mention it." He said with a side ways grin.

I looked behind me and He was standing there too. "So I am dead?" I asked. He laughed.

"What's funny?"

"You asking if you are dead."

"What's funny about that?"

"The fact that you never were really alive."

"So I am in Heaven?"

"Nope. This is the real thing."

"Okay, can I know what's going on?"

"Sure," and he stuck his hands deeper in his pocket. "If, and that's a big if, you go and eat from that tree over there." And he pointed.

"What's special about that tree?"

"It will kill you."

"Well that doesn't leave a lot of options."

"Actually it does." And he sat Indian style in front of me just watching my reaction. "Gosh, you like talking in riddles."

"Hey, sorry. Look I am going to leave you to get acclimated to your surroundings. You got plenty of food. The animals won't mess with you. They are at your disposal. They will do anything you ask. Even kill themselves so you can eat them."

I raised my eyebrows. "You serious?"


I turned around again and he was sitting in front of me again. "What's going on?" "I brought you here to start over."

"Why me?" I asked.

"I don't know. I thought you were cool."

I laughed.

And with that, God was gone.

So a couple of days passed without Him returning. Even though I was the only human I was never scared. When I was hungry, I ate. When I was tired, I took naps. And the tigers and bears would come up and nuzzle against me and sleep too.

Off and on, God and I hung out in the weeks that followed (I counted the days by the sun going up and coming down). We would take walks together and I would ask Him questions about why I was there. He was always vague with His answers. Such as, "Hey dude, why don't I have any clothes?"

"You don't need them."

"Okay." I accepted.

But suddenly one day He asked me a question, "What's wrong with this place?"

"What you mean?"

"I notice you still are missing something."

I was fast to answer. "Someone actually."

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