Chapter 2

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(Your Name) huh? It's pretty.


Why didn't you tell me earlier?

Thought I couldn't fully trust you. But now that I know that you are completely useless and don't know anything about this planet. I guess I'll indulge you.

Thanks that makes me feel a WHOLE lot better.

Was that sarcasm I heard young man?

What's sarcasm?

Wow, you need work.

I don't like phrase.

Oh you don't even know what it means.



So do you have a name? Or should I just call you star?

I'm a star! I don't get named like you- what is this race called?


Like you humans!

I'm not a human.

Oh you're not?


Oh, well then what are you?

Not telling.......... So do you need a name or something?

If I'm going to live on Earth, I do believe I will need one.

Hmm. I don't know what I'll name you.

What about bear?

That's a stupid name. Where did you come up with that one.


Couldn't you have come up with a better one, like Orion or something?

I like Bear.

You're completely and utterly hopeless.

Um, thanks?

Not a compliment 'Bear'.

I feel like you hate me.

I don't, I'm just rude at points. I have been dead for a while. You do know what that means to be dead right?

Just because I'm a star doesn't mean I'm THAT stupid. In fact, I was a dying star before I came here. Or, side tracked here on Earth.

Good you're learning! Now you just need to find out how to get me out of your body so that I can get my body back.

And how exactly do I do that?

I don't know. That's why you need to FIND OUT.


I really do feel like you dislike me.

Go to sleep.

Fine then.


I woke up when the giant star started to illuminate the Earth.

Sun, you idiot!

Well sooorry.

I still sense sarcasm.

Still don't know what that is.

Stars? {Sequel to Lucifer X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now