We head into the living room. The boys have made a giant fort. There are pillows and blankets everywhere. We place the food on the table. "So what kind of movie are we watching?" I ask.

"A horror movie," Matthew replies.

"No!" Jenna and I shout at the same time.

"Why are you too scared," Jace says mockingly.

"No," I scoff. In reality Jenna and I are wimps when it comes to horror movies. More specifically Jenna hates paranormal stuff, and I hate hate hate clowns.

"Then let's get to it," Jace replies. I should probably talk to Mason about Lia. While Jenna was talking to Lia earlier, I was going to but didn't get a chance to. He was doing homework, so I didn't want to bother him.

"Hey Mason, we forgot drinks. Come help me in the kitchen," I say while heading to the kitchen.

"Okay," he replies. Once we get there. We start getting a bunch of drinks out of the fridge.

"So Mason, you and Lia seem to be getting along," I say.

"Yeah, she's cool," he replies. I am going in the exact direction that Jenna did. She told me all about her and Lia's conversation.

"She's also really pretty, and smart right?" I ask.

"Yeah I guess," he says.

"You guys have known each other for quite awhile. You guys were friends before but not as close as Jenna and I. So why are you guys talking more now?" I ask.

"I don't know, I guess the trip has brought us closer together," he replies. Then he breaks eye contact, and walks away. Dang it, why do they have to be so stubborn? Why can't they see that they are meant to be together.

I walk after him. I set down the drinks and plop down next to Jenna. Jace takes a spot next to me. Sam sits on the other side of Jenna. We start the movie. She's going to the basement with a knife. Why do they always go to the basement?

I brace myself, the guy pops up. All the girls scream really loud. I fling myself to the side, and wrap my arms around the nearest object. That object just so happens to be Jace. He looks at me in surprise. That look of surprise turn into a smirk.

I quickly take my arms off of him. Then I scoot as far away from him as I can. "Looks like you just can't keep your hands off of me," Jace says smirking.

"Oh, shut up," I say. I turn my attention back to the screen. After that horrible movie is over, we start to eat the cake.

"This is delicious!" Alex says.

"Thanks," Abby says blushing. We all nod in agreement. Half of the junk food is already gone. After we finish eating the cake, we decide to tell scary ghost stories. It is pretty fun. They aren't really scary more like funny.

"Let's go to the mall about 30 minutes from here, it's still open," Sam says.

"Yeah that'd be fun," Lia replies. We all get into Chris' very small car. We are all squished together. I am squashed in between Jace and Jenna. We all barely fit in. After 30 minutes we arrive at the mall. There are few cars here, probably mostly employees cars.

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