Royalty's Past

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Nicki pov

When chris smaked my ass I was kinda happy about it. Chris said he had to go and help one of his niggas with a situation. So I gave royalty some food, a shower and a kiss on the cheek before she had to take a nap. I went up to her room so I could put her in bed. When I was walking back I took a glimpse of her and saw sum under her bed. It looked like an envelope with somethin written on it. I walked twords it and picked it up. I walked out of royalties room and into mine. I started reading. It was a note from the orphanage to me and chris It was a note about royalties past. It said that she was born in denver co and her dad died of ammonia. It also said the reason behind it was royalties dad sacrificed all his clothing for royalty. On her moms part it said she died mysteriously because she went out and left royalty in the bushes and never came back. Later her mom was found dead in a sewer. I looked inside the envelope and there was a small note and a necklace. It was a note from royalties mom. It said dear royalty I hope you have good education and age to be reading this. If you are I just want you to know that me and your dad love you but I cant do this anymore. Im sorry baby. Love your mom royal. P.s.
I left u a necklace attached to this note. If I do not return and someone other than you is reading this pls give her the necklace. Or if royalty is reading this message royalty pls wear this necklace day and night. Its a family generation necklace even let your children's children wear it.

Nicki pov

After that I felt kinda bad for royalty and i didnt know what to do. When chris got home I let him read the note. And he just said wow. The time he was reading it was when we were in our bedroom so he closed the door and climed ontop of me and started kissing me. Then he went inside of me and this time he went good then I told him to get off cuz I had to do sum. I got dressed got royalty and got in the car. I dropped royalty off with nina and went back home. When I opened the door I see rosepedals on the floor leading upstairs. I come upstairs and the pedals lead to me and Chris room. When I opened the door I couldn't breathe I saw chris with no top on just basketball shorts and he was laying on the bed waiting for me. I climed on the bed all sexy like a cat and got ontop of him. I slowly took off my clothes and rode him. Then he pushed my clothes to the floor and removed his shorts so I knew I was gonna get it. This time he was better than ever and because royalty was gone I was moaning louder than ever and screamed his name. This nigga was on me for about 1/2 hour like damn nigga calm the fuck down.

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