Another day In Los Santos

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Vanoss's (Evan) p.o.v

I sigh splashing the cool water on to my face, "How stupid can I be? The guys probably know something's up I should've just stayed at the beach.." I mumble to myself before standing up straight looking at myself through the mirror. I still looked the same, black faux hawk, same eyes, same everything. I just didn't have my sunglasses on. I turn around and grab my towel, drying the remaining water from my face. I let out a sigh before exiting my bathroom, heading into my room. I went to sit down at my desk but was interrupted by my doorbell going off. 'Oh great..who could this be?' I thought to myself walking back out my room. I walk over to my door, unlocking it as soon as I reached it. When I opened the door I was astonished to see Del, His hair was soaked, his pants were soaked as well, and the most obvious, he wasn't wearing his shirt, only his hoodie. "Del? What are you doing here? Did you hoodini here?" I ask curiously. He let out a soft quiet giggle before shaking his head. "No, I drove here. Uh.. can we talk?" He asked, nervously? Wait he was nervous? Why? I shook my head from the thoughts, stepping aside from my door to open it wider. "Yea, sure come on in." He walked into my apartment quietly standing near the stairs that led into my living room. I close the door behind him before turning around to look at him. "What did you want to talk about Del?" I question leaning up against the wall staring at the smaller male. "I uh... well.. Um.." He trails off shyly. "How do I..say this? Um.." I raise my eyebrow at him still confused. He takes a deep breath before muttering out. "I like you Evan ok? It's so hard to say it since we've been friends for so long, but god Evan you have no idea how much I like you. I'm not saying that I like you either, I'm saying I like you." I stood there there confused until it hit me, I tensed looking at him in shock. "Wait.. y-you what?" He looked down at his feet before repeating those heavenly words once again. "I like you a lot Evan." I wasn't sure what to do, or say after he said it again. I kinda just stood there thinking about it. Until I knew what I had to do. I walked over to him and lifted his mask to reveal his lips before, gently kissing him. He tensed up out of shock, but slowly melted into it. When we both pulled away, I couldn't help but smile eyeing his makeup, which smeared. He let out a soft laugh, "Hey Evan.. Uh I think you got a little, something on your face.." I smile more before rubbing the back of my neck. "Yea I know." The next thing that happened I was no way ready for, he hugged me. But when he did he lost his balance causing him to fall down the stairs, but of course being who I am I wrapped my arms around him tightly and turned us around so I'm the one who landed. When we did land, the breath was knocked out of me, and pain shot up my shoulder. I ignored it though keeping my attention on Del. "Del..? are you ok?" I question concerned. He nodded his head which was buried in my chest and I let out a sigh of relief before trying to catch my breath. He looked up at me with his ocean blue eyes, "E-evan? Are you ok..?" He asked pushing himself up so he can see my face. "Yea.." I mutter "I'm just trying to catch my breath is all." He let out a sigh, obviously pleased with my response before rolling off of me. "T-thanks Evan. for.. Uh you know." I mumble an of course forceing my body to sit up, which caused pain to shoot up through my shoulder again. I tried my best to smile at him without looking hurt, and I think it worked because he started laughing at the fact we nearly died. I couldn't help but laugh as well until I managed to stand up Jonathan standing up with me. "Evan..?" "Hm?" I mumble turning to look at him directly. "Are we... you know.. Together now?" He asked in a soft voice. Are we together? Yes, yes we are, "Of course, but only if you want to be." He nodded before wrapping his arms around me. "Yes.. thank you." I smirk gently hugging him back. After what seemed like an eternity we pulled away. "Hey Vanoss, the guys are still going to dinner.. Can we go? I mean, only if you want to..I'd like to tell Luke." He asked a spark of hope in his eyes. How could I say no to him? "Sure Del, we'll go." He let out an excited noise before hugging me again. I chuckled, "Del. Please tell me your gunna stop being a tease and put on a shirt before we go out with the guys." His face started to heat up before he muttered a curse at me, causing me to laugh.

I_AM_WILDCAT'S (Tyler) p.o.v

I waited impatiently in front of LaPada with Craige, whom was browsing his twitter. "How long does it take for these idiots to get here?" I question continuing to look out at the parking lot. "Moo and Brian just got here." He mumbled continuing his tweeting. I looked around until I spotted them, Brian's arm around Moo's shoulder as they walked up to me and Craige smiles plastered on both of their faces. "Hey Tyler, hey Craige where are the rest of the guys?" Moo questions. I go to reply but was cut-off by Craige. "They're here." I move to look behind Brian and, there they were. Lui was on Nogla's shoulders laughing, Luke was walking towards us texting on his phone, Marcel and Alan following behind him, and lastly Panda followed on their tail. All were here but Evan and Jonathan, which kinda concerned me. When the guys got to the door a conversation started up before they started walking in to get a table. Before I went in I grabbed Craig's arm and pulled him back out, "Is Jonathan and Evan coming?" I asked him concern coating my words lightly. "Uh.. I'll text them, I have no idea if they are or not." With that he sent the two text messages through his phone, and we waited a couple minutes. In those couple minutes Lui peeked his head out from the main doors telling us we have a table before disappearing back behind it, then finally Craiges phone buzzed. "They're here"

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